[R] Description of error is untranslated when R_XLEN_T_MAX is exceeded by only 1 element.

Ricardo Villalba r|k|v|||@|b@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 13 16:37:57 CEST 2024

Hello everyone
When asking to create sequence longer than 2^48 (which is forbidden) the
same error message appears translated and untranslated depending on whether
R_XLEN_T_MAX is reached or exceeded
while not an error o problem beyond that of the untranslated text, i find
this weird. ¿could it be fixed in any manner?

R_XLEN_T_MAX <- 4503599627370496

> length(1:(R_XLEN_T_MAX - 1))
[1] 4.5036e+15
> length(1:(R_XLEN_T_MAX + 0))
Error: result would be too long a vector
> length(1:(R_XLEN_T_MAX + 1))
Error en 1:(R_XLEN_T_MAX + 1): el resultado seria un vector muy largo

The last is the same as the second, but translated into spanish.

I track the messages to be coded here:


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