[R] R CMD check vs RStudio check

Ivan Krylov |kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Fri May 3 21:52:26 CEST 2024

В Fri, 3 May 2024 19:45:08 +0000
"Boylan, Ross via R-help" <r-help using r-project.org> пишет:

> & $R CMD check .

> * checking for file './DESCRIPTION' ... ERROR
> Required fields missing or empty:
>   'Author' 'Maintainer'

You're checking a source package directory. This could work, but it's
much easier and more reliable to (1) build a source tarball using R CMD
build and (2) check the tarball. This is probably part of what
devtools::check() does. (It can also do a lot of other things pre-R CMD

The reason checking the source directory is failing is because it's R
CMD build that creates the necessary 'Author' and 'Maintainer' fields
from Authors using R in your DESCRIPTION.

> P.S. What's with the "..Rcheck" log directory, which appears
> literally with the 2 dots?  Is this just MS-Windows getting confused
> and not interpreting .. as the parent directory?

"..Rcheck" is built from the argument of R CMD check . followed by

Best regards,

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