[R] Problem with R coding
Ivan Krylov
|kry|ov @end|ng |rom d|@root@org
Tue Mar 12 11:40:38 CET 2024
Dear Maria,
I'm sorry for somehow completely missing the second half of your
message where you say that you've already tried the workaround.
В Tue, 12 Mar 2024 07:43:08 +0000
Maria Del Mar García Zamora <mar.garcia1 using alumnos.uchceu.es> пишет:
> I have tried to start R from CDM using: C:\Users\marga>set
> R_USER=C:\Users\marga\R_USER
> C:\Users\marga>"C:\Users\marga\Desktop\R-4.3.3\bin\R.exe" CMD Rgui
> At the beginning this worked but right now a message saying that this
> app cannot be used and that I have to ask the software company (photo
> attached)
Glad to know the workaround helped. It sounds like your Windows
10 is set up in a user-hostile way.
It may help to visit the Windows Security settings and make an
exception for C:\Users\marga\Desktop\R-4.3.3\bin\R.exe. An approximate
instruction can be found at
<https://habr.com/en/companies/hetmansoftware/articles/549410/>, but it
might be the case that your university IT must take a look at it before
allowing you to run R on your computer.
Feel free to disregard this advice if someone with more Windows
experience shows up.
Best regards,
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