[R] Extract

Val v@|kremk @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jul 19 18:52:18 CEST 2024

Hi All,

I want to extract new variables from a string and add it to the dataframe.
Sample data is csv file.

dat<-read.csv(text="Year, Sex,string
2002,F,15 xc Ab
2004,M,18 xb 25 35 21
2005,M,13 25
2006,M,14 ac 256 AV 35

The string column has  a maximum of five variables. Some rows have all
and others may not have all the five variables. If missing then  fill
it with NA,
Desired result is shown below,

Year,Sex,string, S1, S2, S3 S4,S5
2002,F,15 xc Ab, 15,xc,Ab, NA, NA
2003,F,14, 14,NA,NA,NA,NA
2004,M,18 xb 25 35 21,18, xb, 25, 35, 21
2005,M,13 25,13, 25,NA,NA,NA
2006,M,14 ac 256 AV 35, 14, ac, 256, AV, 35
2007,F,11, 11,NA,NA,NA,NA

Any help?
Thank you in advance.

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