[R] Looping

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Mon Feb 19 06:54:44 CET 2024

Às 03:27 de 19/02/2024, Steven Yen escreveu:
> I need to read csv files repeatedly, named data1.csv, data2.csv,… data24.csv, 24 altogether. That is,
> data<-read.csv(“data1.csv”)
>> data<-read.csv(“data24.csv”)
> Is there a way to do this in a loop? Thank you.
> Steven from iPhone
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Here is a way of reading the files in a *apply loop. The file names are 
created by getting them from file (list.files) or by a string editing 
function (sprintf).

# file_names_vec <- list.files(pattern = "data\\d+\\.csv")
file_names_vec <- sprintf("data%d.csv", 1:24)
data_list <- sapply(file_names_vec, read.csv, simplify = FALSE)

# access the 1st data.frame
# same as above
# same as above

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

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