[R] dplyr summarize by groups

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Sun Dec 1 08:15:37 CET 2024

Às 05:52 de 23/11/2024, tgs77m--- via R-help escreveu:
> # Get mean, min, max sigma and skew by group
>   options (digits = 3)
>   library (ISwR
> data(energy)
> data %>%
>    group_by(stature) %>%
>    summarize(
>      Mean = mean(expend),
>      Min =  min(expend),
>      Max = max(expend),
>      Sigma = sd(expend),
>      Skew = skew(expend))
> # Output
>    stature  Mean   Min   Max Sigma  Skew
>    <fct>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
> 1 lean     8.07  6.13  10.9  1.24 0.907
> 2 obese   10.3   8.79  12.8  1.40 0.587
> Why does output stats vary in decimal places even when options (digits=3)
> were set?
> All the best
> Thomas S.
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"Why does output stats vary in decimal places even when options 
(digits=3) were set?"

Yes, they do but shouldn't they? I'm seeing all numbers with 3 digits. 
Display digits and rounding are not the same thing.

Also, you don't need to load the package to have access to one of its 
data sets,

data(energy, package = "ISwR")

will load it. In this case, it's probably even better, "energy" is not 
an uncommon source for data and there might be data sets with the same 
name in other packages.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

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