[R] grep

Steven Yen @tyen @end|ng |rom ntu@edu@tw
Fri Aug 2 03:10:53 CEST 2024

Good Morning. Below I like statement like

j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j

with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful.

Are there more or these options, other than ? grep? Thanks.

dstat is just my own descriptive routine.

 > x
  [1] "age"          "sleep"        "primary"      "middle"
  [5] "high"         "somewhath"    "veryh"        "somewhatm"
  [9] "verym"        "somewhatc"    "veryc"        "somewhatl"
[13] "veryl"        "village"      "married"      "social"
[17] "agricultural" "communist"    "minority"     "religious"
 > colnames(mydata)
  [1] "depression"     "sleep"          "female" "village"
  [5] "agricultural"   "married"        "communist" "minority"
  [9] "religious"      "social"         "no" "primary"
[13] "middle"         "high"           "veryh" "somewhath"
[17] "notveryh"       "verym"          "somewhatm" "notverym"
[21] "veryc"          "somewhatc"      "notveryc" "veryl"
[25] "somewhatl"      "notveryl"       "age" "village.r"
[29] "married.r"      "social.r"       "agricultural.r" "communist.r"
[33] "minority.r"     "religious.r"    "male.r" "education.r"
 > j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j
[1] "village.r"      "married.r"      "social.r" "agricultural.r"
[5] "communist.r"    "minority.r"     "religious.r" "male.r"
[9] "education.r"
 > j<-c(x,j); j
  [1] "age"            "sleep"          "primary" "middle"
  [5] "high"           "somewhath"      "veryh" "somewhatm"
  [9] "verym"          "somewhatc"      "veryc" "somewhatl"
[13] "veryl"          "village"        "married" "social"
[17] "agricultural"   "communist"      "minority" "religious"
[21] "village.r"      "married.r"      "social.r" "agricultural.r"
[25] "communist.r"    "minority.r"     "religious.r" "male.r"
[29] "education.r"
 > data<-mydata[j]
 > cbind(
+   dstat(subset(data,male.r==1))[,1:2],
+   dstat(subset(data,male.r==0))[,1:2]
+ )
Sample statistics (Weighted =  FALSE )

Sample statistics (Weighted =  FALSE )

                 Mean Std.dev  Mean Std.dev
age            6.279   0.841 6.055   0.813
sleep          6.483   1.804 6.087   2.045
primary        0.452   0.498 0.408   0.491
middle         0.287   0.453 0.176   0.381
high           0.171   0.377 0.082   0.275
somewhath      0.522   0.500 0.447   0.497
veryh          0.254   0.435 0.250   0.433
somewhatm      0.419   0.493 0.460   0.498
verym          0.544   0.498 0.411   0.492
somewhatc      0.376   0.484 0.346   0.476
veryc          0.593   0.491 0.615   0.487
somewhatl      0.544   0.498 0.504   0.500
veryl          0.390   0.488 0.389   0.487
village        0.757   0.429 0.752   0.432
married        0.936   0.245 0.906   0.291
social         0.538   0.499 0.528   0.499
agricultural   0.780   0.414 0.826   0.379
communist      0.178   0.383 0.038   0.190
minority       0.071   0.256 0.081   0.273
religious      0.088   0.284 0.102   0.302
village.r      0.243   0.429 0.248   0.432
married.r      0.064   0.245 0.094   0.291
social.r       0.462   0.499 0.472   0.499
agricultural.r 0.220   0.414 0.174   0.379
communist.r    0.822   0.383 0.962   0.190
minority.r     0.929   0.256 0.919   0.273
religious.r    0.912   0.284 0.898   0.302
male.r         1.000   0.000 0.000   0.000
education.r    0.090   0.286 0.334   0.472

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