[R] Exceptional slowness with read.csv

@vi@e@gross m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com @vi@e@gross m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Wed Apr 10 17:11:31 CEST 2024

It sounds like the discussion is now on how to clean your data, with a twist. You want to clean it before you can properly read it in using standard methods.

Some of those standard methods already do quite a bit as they parse the data such as looking ahead to determine the data type for a column.

The specific problem being discussed seems to be related to a lack of balance in individual lines of a CSV file related to double quotes that then mess up that row and following rows for a while. I am not clear on the meaning of the quotes to the user but wonder if they can simply not be viewed as quotes. Functions like read.csv() or the tidyverse variant of read_csv() allow you to specify the quote character or disable it.

So what would happen to the damaged line/row in your case, or any row with both quotes intact if you tried reading it in with an argument disabling processing quoted regions? It may cause problems but in your case, maybe it won't.

If so, after reading in the file, you can march through it and make fixes, such as discussed. The other alternative seems to be to read the lines in the old-fashioned way, do some surgery on whole lines rather than individual row/column entries, and perhaps feed the huge amount of data in some form to read.csv as text=TEXT or write it out to another file and read it in again.

And, of course, if there is just one bad line, then you might just open it with a program such as EXCEL or anything that lets you edit it once, ...

-----Original Message-----
From: R-help <r-help-bounces using r-project.org> On Behalf Of Rui Barradas
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 9:46 AM
To: Dave Dixon <ddixon using swcp.com>; r-help using r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Exceptional slowness with read.csv

Às 06:47 de 08/04/2024, Dave Dixon escreveu:
> Greetings,
> I have a csv file of 76 fields and about 4 million records. I know that 
> some of the records have errors - unmatched quotes, specifically. 
> Reading the file with readLines and parsing the lines with read.csv(text 
> = ...) is really slow. I know that the first 2459465 records are good. 
> So I try this:
>  > startTime <- Sys.time()
>  > first_records <- read.csv(file_name, nrows = 2459465)
>  > endTime <- Sys.time()
>  > cat("elapsed time = ", endTime - startTime, "\n")
> elapsed time =   24.12598
>  > startTime <- Sys.time()
>  > second_records <- read.csv(file_name, skip = 2459465, nrows = 5)
>  > endTime <- Sys.time()
>  > cat("elapsed time = ", endTime - startTime, "\n")
> This appears to never finish. I have been waiting over 20 minutes.
> So why would (skip = 2459465, nrows = 5) take orders of magnitude longer 
> than (nrows = 2459465) ?
> Thanks!
> -dave
> PS: readLines(n=2459470) takes 10.42731 seconds.
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Can the following function be of help?
After reading the data setting argument quote=FALSE, call a function 
applying gregexpr to its character columns, then transforming the output 
in a two column data.frame with columns

  Col - the column processed;
  Unbalanced - the rows with unbalanced double quotes.

I am assuming the quotes are double quotes. It shouldn't be difficult to 
adapt it to other cas, single quotes, both cases.

unbalanced_dquotes <- function(x) {
   char_cols <- sapply(x, is.character) |> which()
   lapply(char_cols, \(i) {
     y <- x[[i]]
     Unbalanced <- gregexpr('"', y) |>
       sapply(\(x) attr(x, "match.length") |> length()) |>
       {\(x) (x %% 2L) == 1L}() |>
     data.frame(Col = i, Unbalanced = Unbalanced)
   }) |>
   do.call(rbind, args = _)

# read the data disregardin g quoted strings
df1 <- read.csv(fl, quote = "")
# determine which strings have unbalanced quotes and
# where

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

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