[R] Odd result

Parkhurst, David p@rkhur@ @end|ng |rom |nd|@n@@edu
Sun Sep 24 00:55:10 CEST 2023

With help from several people, I used file.choose() to get my file name, and read.csv() to read in the file as KurtzData.  Then when I print KurtzData, the last several lines look like this:
39   5/31/22              16.0      341    1.75525 0.0201 0.0214   7.00
40   6/28/22  2:00 PM      0.0      215    0.67950 0.0156 0.0294     NA
41   7/25/22 11:00 AM      11.9   1943.5        NA     NA 0.0500   7.80
42   8/31/22                  0    220.5        NA     NA 0.0700  30.50
43   9/28/22              0.067     10.9        NA     NA 0.0700  10.20
44  10/26/22              0.086      237        NA     NA 0.1550  45.00
45   1/12/23  1:00 PM     36.26    24196        NA     NA 0.7500 283.50
46   2/14/23  1:00 PM     20.71       55        NA     NA 0.0500   2.40
47                                              NA     NA     NA     NA
48                                              NA     NA     NA     NA
49                                              NA     NA     NA     NA

Then the NA�s go down to one numbered 973.  Where did those extras likely come from, and how do I get rid of them?  I assume I need to get rid of all the lines after #46,  to do calculations and graphics, no?


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