[R] predict function type class vs. prob
David Winsemius
dw|n@em|u@ @end|ng |rom comc@@t@net
Sat Sep 23 21:10:57 CEST 2023
On 9/23/23 05:30, Rui Barradas wrote:
> Às 11:12 de 22/09/2023, Milbert, Sabine (LGL) escreveu:
>> Dear R Help Team,
>> My research group and I use R scripts for our multivariate data
>> screening routines. During routine use, we encountered some
>> inconsistencies within the predict() function of the R Stats Package.
In addition to Rui's correction to this misstatement, the caret package
is really a meta package that attempts to implement an umbrella
framework for a vast array of tools from a wide variety of sources. It
is an immense effort but not really a part of the core R project. The
correct place to file issues is found in the DESCRIPTION file:
URL: https://github.com/topepo/caret/ BugReports:
If you use `str` on an object constructed with caret, you discover
that the `predict` function is actually not in the main workspace but
rather embedded in the fit-object itself. I think this is a rather
general statement regarding the caret universe, and so I expect that
your fit -objects can be examined for the code that predict.train will
use with this approach. Your description of your analysis methods was
rather incompletely specified, and I will put an appendix of "svm"
methods that might be specified after my demonstration using code. (Note
that I do not see a caret "weights" hyper-parameter for the "svmLinear"
method which is actually using code from pkg:kernlab.)
library(caret) svmFit <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris, method =
"svmLinear", trControl = trainControl(method = "cv")) class(svmFit) #[1]
"train" "train.formula" str(predict(svmFit)) Factor w/ 3 levels
"setosa","versicolor",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... str(svmFit) #---screen
output------------- List of 24 $ method : chr "svmLinear" $ modelInfo
:List of 13 ..$ label : chr "Support Vector Machines with Linear Kernel"
..$ library : chr "kernlab" ..$ type : chr [1:2] "Regression"
"Classification" ..$ parameters:'data.frame': 1 obs. of 3 variables: ..
..$ parameter: chr "C" .. ..$ class : chr "numeric" .. ..$ label : chr
"Cost" ..$ grid :function (x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid") ..$ loop :
NULL ..$ fit :function (x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...)
..$ predict :function (modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) ..$ prob
:function (modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) ..$ predictors:function
(x, ...) ..$ tags : chr [1:5] "Kernel Method" "Support Vector Machines"
"Linear Regression" "Linear Classifier" ... ..$ levels :function (x) ..$
sort :function (x) $ modelType : chr "Classification" # ---- large
amount of screen output omitted------ # note that the class of
svmFit$modelInfo$predict is 'function' # and its code at least to this
particular svm method of which there are about 10!
svmFit$modelInfo$predict #---- screen output ------ function (modelFit,
newdata, submodels = NULL) { svmPred <- function(obj, x) { hasPM <-
!is.null(unlist(obj using prob.model)) if (hasPM) { pred <-
kernlab::lev(obj)[apply(kernlab::predict(obj, x, type =
"probabilities"), 1, which.max)] } else pred <- kernlab::predict(obj, x)
pred } out <- try(svmPred(modelFit, newdata), silent = TRUE) if
(is.character(kernlab::lev(modelFit))) { if (class(out)[1] ==
"try-error") { warning("kernlab class prediction calculations failed;
returning NAs") out <- rep("", nrow(newdata)) out[seq(along = out)] <-
NA } } else { if (class(out)[1] == "try-error") { warning("kernlab
prediction calculations failed; returning NAs") out <- rep(NA,
nrow(newdata)) } } if (is.matrix(out)) out <- out[, 1] out } <bytecode:
0x561277d4ec50> -- David
>> Through internal research, we were unable to find the reason for this
>> and have decided to contact your help team with the following issue:
>> The predict() function is used once to predict the class membership
>> of a new sample (type = "class") on a trained linear SVM model for
>> distinguishing two classes (using the caret package). It is then used
>> to also examine the probability of class membership (type = "prob").
>> Both are then presented in an R shiny output. Within the routine, we
>> noticed two samples (out of 100+) where the class prediction and
>> probability prediction did not match. The prediction probabilities of
>> one class (52%) did not match the class membership within the predict
>> function. We use the same seed and the discrepancy is reproducible in
>> this sample. The same problem did not occur in other trained models
>> (lda, random forest, radial SVM...).
*Support Vector Machines with Boundrange String Kernel*(|method =
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
length (|length|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Class Weights*(|method = 'svmRadialWeights'|)
For classification using packagekernlabwith tuning parameters:
Sigma (|sigma|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
Weight (|Weight|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Exponential String Kernel*(|method =
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
lambda (|lambda|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Linear Kernel*(|method = 'svmLinear'|)
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
Cost (|C|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Linear Kernel*(|method = 'svmLinear2'|)
For classification and regression using packagee1071with tuning parameters:
Cost (|cost|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Polynomial Kernel*(|method = 'svmPoly'|)
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
Polynomial Degree (|degree|, numeric)
Scale (|scale|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Radial Basis Function Kernel*(|method =
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
Sigma (|sigma|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Radial Basis Function Kernel*(|method =
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
Cost (|C|, numeric)
*Support Vector Machines with Radial Basis Function Kernel*(|method =
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
Sigma (|sigma|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
Note: This SVM model tunes over the cost parameter and the RBF kernel
parameter sigma. In the latter case, using|tuneLength|will, at most,
evaluate six values of the kernel parameter. This enables a broad search
over the cost parameter and a relatively narrow search over|sigma|
*Support Vector Machines with Spectrum String Kernel*(|method =
For classification and regression using packagekernlabwith tuning
length (|length|, numeric)
Cost (|C|, numeric)
>> Is there a weighing of classes within the prediction function or is
>> the classification limit not at 50%/a majority vote? Or do you have
>> another explanation for this discrepancy, please let us know.
>> PS: If this is an issue based on the model training function of the
>> caret package and therefore not your responsibility, please let us know.
>> Thank you in advance for your support!
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Sabine Milbert
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> Hello,
> I cannot tell what is going on but I would like to make a correction
> to your post.
> predict() is a generic function with methods for objects of several
> classes in many packages. In base package stats you will find methods
> for objects (fits) of class lm, glm and others, see ?predict.
> The method you are asking about is predict.train, defined in package
> caret, not in package stats.
> to see what predict method is being called, check
> class(your_fit)
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
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