[R] [Pkg-Collaboratos] BioShapes Almost-Package
Martin Maechler
m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Mon Sep 4 13:28:34 CEST 2023
>>>>> Jeff Newmiller
>>>>> on Sun, 03 Sep 2023 19:47:32 -0700 writes:
> Leonard... the reason roxygen exists is to allow markup in
> source files to be used to automatically generate the
> numerous files required by standard R packages as
> documented in Writing R Extensions. If your goal is to
> not use source files this way then the solution is to not
> use roxygen at all. Just create those files yourself by
> directly editing them from scratch.
Yes. Many experienced R programmers do not use Roxygen
(or use it only rarely; e.g., together with ESS (Emacs Speaks
Statistics) to make the initial creation or sometime a thorough
updating the help pages man/*.Rd more convenient).
There are different tastes and different work flows for
different people.
> On September 3, 2023 7:06:09 PM PDT, Leonard Mada via
> R-help <r-help using r-project.org> wrote:
>> Thank you Bert.
>> Clarification:
>> Indeed, I am using an add-on package: it is customary for
>> that package - that is what I have seen - to have the
>> entire documentation included as comments in the R src
>> files. (But maybe I am wrong.)
>> I will try to find some time over the next few days to
>> explore in more detail the R documentation. Although, I
>> do not know how this will interact with the add-on
>> package.
>> Sincerely,
>> Leonard
>> On 9/4/2023 4:58 AM, Bert Gunter wrote:
>>> 1. R-package-devel is where queries about package
>>> protocols should go.
>>> 2. But... "Is there a succinct, but sufficiently
>>> informative description of documentation tools?"
>>> "Writing R Extensions" (shipped with R) is *the*
>>> reference for R documentation. Whether it's sufficiently
>>> "succinct" for you, I cannot say.
>>> "I find that including the documentation in the source
>>> files is very distracting." ?? R documentation (.Rd)
>>> files are separate from source (.R) files. Inline
>>> documentation in source files is an "add-on" capability
>>> provided by optional packages if one prefers to do
>>> this. Such packages parse the source files to extract
>>> the documentation into the .Rd files/ So not sure what
>>> you mean here. Apologies if I have misunderstood.
>>> " I would prefer to have only basic comments in the
>>> source files and an expanded documentation in a separate
>>> location." If I understand you correctly, this is
>>> exactly what the R package process specifies. Again, see
>>> the "Writing R Extensions" manual for details.
>>> Also, if you wish to have your package on CRAN, it
>>> requires that the package documents all functions in the
>>> package as specified by the "Writing ..." manual.
>>> Again, further questions and elaboration should go to
>>> the R-package-devel list, although I think the manual is
>>> really the authoritative resource to follow.
>>> Cheers, Bert
>>> On Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 5:06 PM Leonard Mada via R-help
>>> <r-help using r-project.org> wrote:
>>> Dear R-List Members,
>>> I am looking for collaborators to further develop the
>>> BioShapes almost-package. I added a brief description
>>> below.
>>> A.) BioShapes (Almost-) Package
>>> The aim of the BioShapes quasi-package is to facilitate
>>> the generation of graphical objects resembling
>>> biological and chemical entities, enabling the
>>> construction of diagrams based on these objects. It
>>> currently includes functions to generate diagrams
>>> depicting viral particles, liposomes, double helix / DNA
>>> strands, various cell types (like neurons, brush-border
>>> cells and duct cells), Ig-domains, as well as more basic
>>> shapes.
>>> It should offer researchers in the field of biological
>>> and chemical sciences a tool to easily generate diagrams
>>> depicting the studied biological processes.
>>> The package lacks a proper documentation and is not yet
>>> released on CRAN. However, it is available on GitHub:
>>> https://github.com/discoleo/BioShapes
>>> Although there are 27 unique cloners on GitHub, I am
>>> still looking for contributors and collaborators. I
>>> would appreciate any collaborations to develop it
>>> further. I can be contacted both by email and on GitHub.
>>> B.) Documentation Tools
>>> Is there a succinct, but sufficiently informative
>>> description of documentation tools? I find that
>>> including the documentation in the source files is very
>>> distracting. I would prefer to have only basic comments
>>> in the source files and an expanded documentation in a
>>> separate location.
>>> This question may be more appropriate for the
>>> R-package-devel list. I can move the 2nd question to
>>> that list.
>>> ###
>>> As the biological sciences are very vast, I would be
>>> very happy for collaborators on the development of this
>>> package. Examples with existing shapes are available in
>>> (but are unfortunately not documented):
>>> Man/examples/Examples.Man.R R/Examples.R
>>> R/Examples.Cells.R tests/experimental/*
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Leonard
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> --
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
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