[R] Plot to a device and examine the plot?
Paul Murrell
p@u| @end|ng |rom @t@t@@uck|@nd@@c@nz
Sun Oct 15 21:39:40 CEST 2023
You could also look at dev.capture(), depending on which screen device
you are using.
On 16/10/23 05:24, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 15/10/2023 12:05 p.m., Shu Fai Cheung wrote:
> > Let me clarify my question:
> >
> > plot.new()
> > polygon(c(.5, .5, .75, .8), c(.25, .3, .4, .5))
> >
> > If the device is an on-screen device, can I check whether a
> particular area
> > has anything drawn on it, or, to be precise, whether the color of a
> > particular area has all pixels equal to the background color. That is, if
> > the background is white, can I know whether a particular area is white?
> >
> > E.g., in the case above, the area bounded by rect(0, 0, .25, .25) is
> > completely white, while the area bounded by rect(0, 0, .75, .75) is not
> > because part of border of the polygon, black by default, has been
> drawn in
> > this area.
> >
> > If the device is an image file, then I can check the color of a pixel. I
> > would like to know whether I can do the same with an on-screen device.
> >
> I think the answer is that you can't do that in general. However, in
> general you can copy a plot to a different device using dev.copy() and
> examine it there. It won't be pixel-by-pixel identical, but will
> contain the same components, likely with slightly different scaling and
> positioning if the new device isn't the same as the old one.
> You can also save the commands that drew the plot using recordPlot() and
> redraw it using replayPlot() (which is essentially what dev.copy()
> does), but the format of the object saved by recordPlot() is not
> documented, and is subject to change with R version changes.
> Duncan Murdoch
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Dr Paul Murrell
Te Kura Tatauranga | Department of Statistics
Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland
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