[R] reference generated var name in loop
Evan Cooch
ev@n@cooch @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 26 16:49:18 CEST 2023
Greetings --
I'm trying to write some code that basically does the following:
1\ user inputs a list of parameter names, and parameter values.
2\ code parses this list, extracting parameter names and values separately
3\ loops over the number of parameters, and for each parameter,
generates something (say, rnorm) based on the value corresponding to
that parameter.
4\ assigns a new name to the vector of rnorm data, where the name is a
permutation of the original parameter name. In the example (below) I
simply past "_r" to the original parameter name (to indicate, say, its
some rnorm values associated that that variable).
5\the 'I'm stumped' part -- output the newly named vector into something
(say, data.frame), which requires being able to reference the newly
named vector, which is what can't figure out how to accomplish.
Here is a MWE of sorts -- the starting list of parameter names and
values is in a list I call parms.
parms <- c(a=4,b=6,c=11) # list of parms user could pass to a function
nvars <- names(parms) # extract parameter names
vals <- sub("\\=.*", "", parms) # extract parameter values
n <- length(parms) # determine number of parameters
ranvec <- data.frame() # to store stuff from loop
for (i in 1:n) {
pn <- nvars[i]; # get name of parm variable
rn <- rnorm(5,as.numeric(vals[i]),0.25) # generate rnorm based on
parm value
assign(paste(pn, "_r", sep=""),rn) # creates a_r, b_r, c_r...
** here is where I want to output to ranvec, but I can't see how to
do it since the loop doesn't know the name of the new var created in
preceding step...**
In the end, I want to create a data frame containing rnorm deviates for
each of a set of user-specified variables, which I can reference in some
fashion using a permuted version of the original variable name.
Many thanks...
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