[R] trivial syntax question!

Bert Gunter bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 15 18:37:13 CEST 2023

Why can you not use the 'labels' argument as described in ?hclust (the Help
system should always be the first place to look for answers to such

## i.e.
plot(hclust(specimens,"ward.D2"),hang=-1, labels = x[,1],
ylab="distance",main="Classification des spécimens")

... or is there something about your example that I misunderstand?


On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 9:17 AM Nicolas Degallier <nicolas.degallier using free.fr>

> Dear R-users,
> I'm probably using R too sparsely to solve a very trivial difficulty, as I
> didn't find any clear example in the tutorials on the net.
> My matrix is as follows (18 rows-individuals x 4 variables-columns:
>         L/l     L/L_ely L/e     L/L_car
> LT      1.21875 1.56    1.857142857     5.2
> PLT     1.290322581     1.568627451     1.904761905     5.333333333
> ND1     1.426470588     1.732142857     2.255813953     4.85
> ND2     1.301587302     1.673469388     1.952380952     3.037037037
> ND3     1.235294118     1.555555556     2.8     4.666666667
> JML     1.188405797     1.576923077     1.863636364     5.466666667
> US1     1.338709677     1.693877551     1.886363636     5.045180795
> US3     1.333333333     1.67032967      2.08566708      4.832587575
> US5     1.328358209     1.679245283     2.08566708      5.045180795
> US7     1.279411765     1.673076923     2.175   4.93725
> Ml1     1.2     1.659574468     2.228571429     4.875
> Ml2a    1.298507463     1.673076923     2.175   5.045180795
> Ml2b    1.303030303     1.68627451      1.755102041     5.058823529
> Ml3     1.234375        1.645833333     1.975   4.981388889
> cri     1.291338583     1.673469388     2.08566708      5.045180795
> nat     1.323529412     1.698113208     2.195121951     5.1075
> nat     1.307692308     1.603773585     2.361111111     4.473684211
> Sallé   1.266666667     1.648433128     1.9     7.6
> I ran an ACP and a classification with the following script:
> library(ade4)
> library(stats)
> library(cluster)
> x<-read.table(file.choose (),sep="\t",header=T) # lecture des données:
> spécimens en lignes, variable en colonnes séparées par des tabulations
> labels <- x[,1] # étiquettes des spécimens
> x <- x[,-1] # sélection des valeurs
> acp<- dudi.pca(x , scannf= F,scale=T,center=T,nf=4) #  analyse en
> composantes principales
> s.label(acp$li, xax = 1, yax = 2,  labels) # affichage des étiquettes des
> specimens
> s.corcircle(acp$co) # corrélation entre les variables et les axes
> principaux
> mat<-dist(x) # distances entre spécimens deux à deux
> specimens<-mat
> plot(hclust(specimens,"ward.D2"),hang=-1,ylab="distance",main="Classification
> des spécimens")
> The resulting dendrogram is nice but I would like to have on the resulting
> plot the labels of each specimen in place of the number of the rows.
> I really would be very happy if someone has some time to complete/fix my
> script or indicate an explicit tutorial.
> Cheers
> Nicolas Degallier
> 120 rue de Charonne
> F-75011 Paris
> <nicolas.degallier using free.fr>
> <omalodes using yahoo.fr>
> Publications :
> https://www.documentation.ird.fr/listes/parauteur/DEGALLIER/NICOLAS/tout/annee
> « Je regarde la carte des vins pour éviter les bouchons » (Raymond Devos)
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