[R] Plotting factors in graph panel
Jim Lemon
drj|m|emon @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jun 28 14:00:04 CEST 2023
Hi Anupam,
Haven't heard from you in a long time. Perhaps you want something like this:
"Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current
Bank_Savings Bank_NA
$10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307
$25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891
$40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4
$75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74 62.17 24.61 11.48 1.746
>$75 5 1.30 31.67 37.59 29.44 67.67 24.02 7.103 1.208
No_Answer 9 2.83 36.77 33.15 27.25 60.87 21.09 13.46 4.577",
main="Percentages by Income and MF type",
xlab="Income",ylab="Percentage of group",xaxt="n")
main="Percentages by Income and Bank type",
xlab="Income",ylab="Percentage of group",xaxt="n")
On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 6:33 PM Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to plot the following kind of data (percentage of respondents from a
> survey) that varies by Income into many small *line* graphs in a panel of
> graphs. I want to omit "No Answer" categories. I want to see how each one
> of the categories (percentages), "None", " Equity", etc. varies by Income.
> How can I do this? How to organize the data well and how to plot? I thought
> Lattice may be a good package to plot this, but I don't know for sure. I
> prefer to do this in Base-R if possible, but I am open to ggplot. Any ideas
> will be helpful.
> Income
> $10 $25 $40 $75 > $75 No Answer
> MF 1 2 3 4 5 9
> None 1 3.05 2.29 2.24 1.71 1.30 2.83
> Equity 2 29.76 28.79 29.51 28.90 31.67 36.77
> Debt 3 31.18 32.64 34.31 35.65 37.59 33.15
> Hybrid 4 36.00 36.27 33.94 33.74 29.44 27.25
> Bank AC
> None 1 46.54 54.01 59.1 62.17 67.67 60.87
> Current 2 24.75 24.4 25 24.61 24.02 21.09
> Savings 3 25.4 18.7 29 11.48 7.103 13.46
> No Answer 9 3.307 2.891 13.4 1.746 1.208 4.577
> Thanks.
> --
> Anupam.
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