[R] Suggestions for hierarchical row names?
Kevin Zembower
kev|n @end|ng |rom zembower@org
Mon Jul 31 22:11:43 CEST 2023
On 28 June I asked a question with the subject "Processing a
hierarchical string name". Folks here were very generous in helping me,
and I'm very pleased with the solutions. Now, I'm asking about a related
topic, and I have both technical and stylistic questions.
I'm still working on my US census report for my neighborhood, and have
tables with labels like this:
> p16_tab[,1]
# A tibble: 9 × 1
1 " !!Total:"
2 " !!Total:!!Family households:"
3 " !!Total:!!Family households:!!Married couple family"
4 " !!Total:!!Family households:!!Other family:"
5 " !!Total:!!Family households:!!Other family:!!Male householder, no
spouse present"
6 " !!Total:!!Family households:!!Other family:!!Female householder, no
spouse present"
7 " !!Total:!!Nonfamily households:"
8 " !!Total:!!Nonfamily households:!!Householder living alone"
9 " !!Total:!!Nonfamily households:!!Householder not living alone"
A sample table can be obtained with:
get_us <- function(table, summary_var) {
geography = "us",
table = table,
cache_table = TRUE,
year = 2020,
sumfile = "dhc",
summary_var = summary_var) %>%
mutate(GEOID = NULL,
"US_pc" = value / summary_value * 100,
value = NULL,
summary_value = NULL)
tableID <- "P16"
summary_var <- "P16_001N"
(us_P16 <- get_us(tableID, summary_var))
labels <- load_variables(2020, "dhc", cache = TRUE)
(p16_tab <- us_P16 %>%
left_join(labels, by = c("variable" = "name")) %>%
mutate(variable = NULL, concept = NULL) %>%
Initially, I thought that I would indent the lines by a single space for
every piece of text starting with "!!" and ending with ":" except for
the last one. This works fine, if the final output was just ASCII text.
However, I'm trying to output my report in LaTeX, using sweave and
knitr/kable. When I output my report using spaces, LaTeX deletes them. I
then tried replacing the spaces with "\hspace{1em}":
p16_tab$label <- p16_tab$label %>%
str_replace("^ !!", "") %>% #Drop the leading ' !!'
str_replace_all("[^!]*!!", "\\\\hspace{1em}")
kable(p16_tab, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
col.names = c("label", "United States %-age")
This results in the "\" of "\hspace" being replace with
I also thought that there was a way to suppress formatting in
kableExtra, but I can't find it now. Regardless, I remember it didn't
work the way I wanted it to, either.
kableExtra has the add_indent() function, that looks promising:
(p16_tab <- us_P16 %>%
left_join(labels, by = c("variable" = "name")) %>%
mutate(variable = NULL, concept = NULL) %>%
p16_tab$label <- p16_tab$label %>%
str_replace("^ !!", "") %>% #Drop the leading ' !!'
str_replace_all("[^!]*!!", "") #Replace each !!.* with nothing
Unfortunately, this doesn't work:
kable(p16_tab, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
col.names = c("label", "United States %-age")
) %>%
add_indent(c(2:9), level_of_indent = c(1,2,2,3,3,1,2,2))
and I have to do this:
kable(p16_tab, format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
col.names = c("label", "United States %-age")
) %>%
add_indent(c(2,7), level_of_indent = 1) %>%
add_indent(c(3,4,8,9), level_of_indent = 2) %>%
add_indent(c(5,6), level_of_indent = 3)
However, this is manual, and therefore not really satisfactory.
I have two question:
1. If I want to use spaces, and would like a programmatic solution
(versus a manual one), can this be done?
2. Stylistically, is there a better way to represent the nesting of
lower rows in a table below upper rows? If I don't fixate on using
spaces, is there anther way?
Thanks for your suggestions and advice.
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