[R] Errors in "An introduction to R"

Jarkko Toivonen j@rkko@to|vonen@19 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Jul 6 09:12:16 CEST 2023


Thanks for the great manual! I noticed a few errors in Version 4.3.1 
(2023-06-16), though.

Early in the document a "working directory" refers to a file system 
directory, such as ~/work. It is also discussed whether
separate working directories should be used for separate analyses (page 
6). However, in sections 6.3.2 - 6.3.4, the term "working directory"
seems to refer to environment (or workspace). This is very confusing, 
especially in section 6.3.3, where it is written "to work with many 
different problems comfortably together in the same working directory". 
Maybe the word "environment" or "workspace" should be used instead of 
"working directory" in sections 6.3.2 - 6.3.4.

Footnote on page 30: space missing in "orawk".

Page 42, section 10.1: backslash between X and y is not shown in "Thus 
given a n by 1 vector y and an n by p matrix X then X y is defined as".


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