[R] (no subject)

Upananda Pani up@n@nd@@p@n| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jan 16 21:55:22 CET 2023

Dear Members,

Greetings! I would like to know how to create the lag variable for my data.

# Load data and create time series object ----

oil <- read_xlsx("crudefinal.xlsx")

pricet=ts(oil$price, start = c(2020, 22), frequency = 365)


# Fit MSW model ----

roilt.lag0 = window(roilt,start=c(2020,23),end=c(2021,215),freq=365) # get
al the lags right

roilt.lag1 = window(roilt,start=c(2020,22),end=c(2021,214),freq=365)

roilt.lag2 = window(roilt,start=c(2020,20),end=c(2021,213),freq=365)

roilt.lag3 = window(roilt,start=c(2020,20),end=c(2021,212),freq=365)

roilt.lag4 = window(roilt,start=c(2020,19),end=c(2021,211),freq=365)

I am getting error (length is not matching), while creating lag. I will
grateful to you if you can tell me where  I am making mistakes.


Upananda Pani

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