[R] Reg: Frequency in declaring time series data

Upananda Pani up@n@nd@@p@n| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jan 16 17:39:20 CET 2023

Dear All,

I have a time series daily data with date are stored ( %dd-%mm-%yy format )
from 22-01-20 to 03-08-21. In total I have 560 observations. I am using the
following command to declare as a time series object. Here the the data set
is 7 days a week.
oil <- read_xlsx("crudefinal.xlsx")
pricet=ts(oil$price, start = c(2020, 22), freq = 365)
roilt=ts(diff(log(oil$price))*100,start=c(2020,22), freq=365)

Shall I have to declare the dates here?  I want to know also if it is a 5
day trading a week, how to declare the frequency.

Looking forward to your reply

Upananda Pani

Looking forward to your suggestions.

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