[R] getting information out of Rao test output

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Sun Jan 8 19:37:10 CET 2023

Às 18:04 de 08/01/2023, Nick Wray escreveu:
> Hello  I'm using the Rao Spacing test from the circular package on a series
> of (circular) data vectors but I can't find a way of simply recording
> whether the null is rejected or not for each vector in the series - the
> test gives me an individual result but unlike with other tests in R (say
> MannKendall or pettitt etc) I can't find a way of delving into the guts of
> the output to extract either1)both the test statistic and critical value
> or 2)the status of ejection or not of the null eg as T/F
> I''ve tried various things including str(rao) and rao[[1]]
> as.character(rao) etc
> rao<-rao.spacing.test(pi_data,alpha=0.05) ## my input
>   Rao's Spacing Test of Uniformity
> Test Statistic = 169.6952
> Level 0.05 critical value = 155.19
> Reject null hypothesis of uniformity-- can't break this down
> Des anyone know how I could do this?
> Thanks, Nick Wray
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This test returns a non-standard object, meaning, not an object of class 
"htest" and its print method creates and invisibly returns an object 
with the value you want.

#> Attaching package: 'circular'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     sd, var

# data
x <- circular(runif(200, 0, 2*pi))
# run the test
test_result <- rao.spacing.test(x, alpha=0.1)
# save the print method result
print_result <- print(test_result)
#>        Rao's Spacing Test of Uniformity
#> Test Statistic = 135.2864
#> Level 0.1 critical value = 140.06
#> Do not reject null hypothesis of uniformity
#> [1] TRUE

If you run


you will see that the printing is made by a series of cat instructions 
so to get the TRUE/FALSE above you will need to print the result like above.

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