[R] Problem with integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2)

Leonard Mada |eo@m@d@ @end|ng |rom @yon|c@eu
Sun Jan 8 04:24:05 CET 2023

Dear List-Members,

I encounter a problem while trying to integrate the following function:

integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2)
# Error in integrate(function(x) x^3/sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2) :
#  non-finite function value

# the value should be finite:
curve(x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2)
integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, 0)
integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), 0, pi/2)
# but this does NOT work:
integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2, subdivisions=4096)
integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2, subdivisions=4097)
# works:
integrate(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2 + 1E-10)

# Note: works directly with other packages

pracma::integral(function(x) x^3 / sin(x), -pi/2, pi/2 )
# 3.385985

I hope that integrate() gets improved in base R as well.



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