[R] Help request: Parsing docx files for key words and appending to a spreadsheet
po|c1410 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Dec 29 23:25:07 CET 2023
help(read_docx) says that the function only imports one docx file. In
> order to read multiple files, use a for loop or the lapply function.
I told you people will suggest better ways to loop!!
> docx_summary(read_docx("Now they want us to charge our electric cars
> from litter bins.docx")) should work.
Ivan thanks for spotting my fail! Since the OP is new to all this I'm going
to suggest a little tweak to this code which we can then build into a for
filepath <- getwd() #you will want to change this later. You are doing
something with tcl to pick a directory which seems rather fancy! But keep
doing it for now or set the directory here ending in a /
filename <- "Now they want us to charge our electric cars from litter
full_filename <- paste0(filepath, filename)
#lets double check the file does exist!
if (!file.exists(full_filename)) {
message("File missing")
} else {
content <- read_docx(full_filename) |>
# this reads docx for the full filename and
# passes it ( |> command) to the next line
# which summarises it.
# the result is saved in a data frame object
# called content which we shall show some
# heading into from
Let's get this bit working before we try and loop
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