[R] R - Problem retrieving memory used after gc() using arrow library

Kévin Pemonon kev|npemonon @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Aug 16 11:22:00 CEST 2023


I'm using R versions 4.1.3 on Windows 10 and I'm having a problem with
memory usage.

Currently, I need to use the arrow and dplyr libraries in a program and
when I compare the memory used between the windows task manager and the
memory.size(max=F) function, the one given by the windows task manager is
much larger, 243.5 MB RAM Windows <https://i.stack.imgur.com/nlWnL.png>,
than the one given by the memory.size(max=F) function, 75.77 MB.

However, I delete objects created with rm() and then use the gc() function
to recover the memory used by the object.

Attached is the R code, with and without output, that I used to present my

Do you think this memory difference is normal? Could it be caused by the
libraries used and/or by bad practices in using the R language?

I'd like to understand why there's a difference in memory used between the
Windows task manager and R's memory.size(max=F) function.

Thank you for your help, and I remain at your disposal for any further
information you may require.

Best regards,

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