[R] Numerical stability of: 1/(1 - cos(x)) - 2/x^2
Leonard Mada
|eo@m@d@ @end|ng |rom @yon|c@eu
Wed Aug 16 07:50:02 CEST 2023
Dear R-Users,
I tried to compute the following limit:
x = 1E-3;
(-log(1 - cos(x)) - 1/(cos(x)-1)) / 2 - 1/(x^2) + log(x)
# 0.4299226
log(2)/2 + 1/12
# 0.4299069
However, the result diverges as x decreases:
x = 1E-4
(-log(1 - cos(x)) - 1/(cos(x)-1)) / 2 - 1/(x^2) + log(x)
# 0.9543207
# correct: 0.4299069
I expected the precision to remain good with x = 1E-4 or x = 1E-5.
This part blows up - probably some significant loss of precision of
cos(x) when x -> 0:
1/(cos(x) - 1) - 2/x^2
Maybe there is some room for improvement.
The limit was part of the integral:
up = pi/5;
integrate(function(x) 1 / sin(x)^3 - 1/x^3 - 1/(2*x), 0, up)
(log( (1 - cos(up)) / (1 + cos(up)) ) +
+ 1/(cos(up) - 1) + 1/(cos(up) + 1) + 2*log(2) - 1/3) / 4 +
+ (1/(2*up^2) - log(up)/2);
# see:
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