[R] Error in if (class(networks) == "matrix") from a function

Chao Liu p@ych@o||u @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Sep 21 21:20:36 CEST 2022

Dear R-Help community,

This is a crosspost on SO but I've had no luck so far. So I have a function
which computes a centrality index for the nodes in a network or matrix.
Here is the function:

library(igraph) #load package igraph
centrality <- function (networks, type = c("indegree", "outdegree", "freeman",
    "betweenness", "flow", "closeness", "eigenvector", "information",
    "load", "bonpow"), directed = TRUE, lag = 0, rescale = FALSE,
    center = FALSE, coefname = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(directed) || !is.logical(directed)) {
        stop("'directed' must be TRUE or FALSE.")
    else if (length(directed) != 1) {
        stop("The 'directed' argument must contain a single logical
value only.")
    else if (directed == FALSE) {
        gmode <- "graph"
    else {
        gmode <- "digraph"
    objects <- checkDataTypes(y = NULL, networks = networks,
        lag = lag)
    centlist <- list()
    for (i in 1:objects$time.steps) {
        if (type[1] == "indegree") {
            cent <- degree(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                cmode = "indegree", rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "outdegree") {
            cent <- degree(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                cmode = "outdegree", rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "freeman") {
            cent <- degree(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                cmode = "freeman", rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "betweenness") {
            cent <- betweenness(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "flow") {
            cent <- flowbet(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "closeness") {
            cent <- closeness(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "eigenvector") {
            cent <- evcent(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "information") {
            cent <- infocent(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "load") {
            cent <- loadcent(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, ...)
        else if (type[1] == "bonpow") {
            cent <- bonpow(objects$networks[[i]], gmode = gmode,
                rescale = rescale, tol = 1e-20, ...)
        else {
            stop("'type' argument was not recognized.")
        centlist[[i]] <- cent
    time <- numeric()
    y <- numeric()
    for (i in 1:objects$time.steps) {
        time <- c(time, rep(i, objects$n[[i]]))
        if (is.null(centlist[[i]])) {
            y <- c(y, rep(NA, objects$n[[i]]))
        else {
            if (center == TRUE) {
                centlist[[i]] <- centlist[[i]] - mean(centlist[[i]],
                  na.rm = TRUE)
            y <- c(y, centlist[[i]])
    if (is.null(coefname) || !is.character(coefname) || length(coefname) >
        1) {
        coeflabel <- ""
    else {
        coeflabel <- paste0(".", coefname)
    if (lag == 0) {
        laglabel <- ""
    else {
        laglabel <- paste0(".lag", paste(lag, collapse = "."))
    label <- paste0(type[1], coeflabel, laglabel)
    dat <- data.frame(y, time = time, node = objects$nodelabels)
    dat$node <- as.character(dat$node)
    colnames(dat)[1] <- label
    attributes(dat)$lag <- lag

Here is the matrix:

dat <- read.table(text="A B #this is edgelist
1 2
1 3
1 2
2 1
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 1", header=TRUE)
datmat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(graph.edgelist(as.matrix(dat),
directed=TRUE))) #this is the matrix
colnames(datmat) <- c("1", "2", "3") #rename the columns

When I applied the function to a matrix
centrality(datmat,type="flow",center=TRUE), it returns the error:

Error in if (class(networks) == "matrix") { :
  the condition has length > 1

What is the cause of this error? How to fix it? Any help will be greatly



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