[R] how to add vertical sliding bar in flexdashboard output

Bert Gunter bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Sep 1 19:11:58 CEST 2022

Post in *Plain Text* so that your HTML does not get stripped and your
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(and my apology if it does not), you have been told this before.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 9:55 AM Kai Yang via R-help <r-help using r-project.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone,I generated an output using flexdashboard. But the output file doesn't have vertical sliding bar. How can I do to add it in? I attached my code below.Thank you,Kai
> ---title: "data report example"date: "`r Sys.Date()`"output:   flexdashboard::flex_dashboard:    orientation: columns    vertical_layout: fill---
> ```{r setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE}library(flexdashboard)library(tidyverse)mtcars$gear_c <- as.character(mtcars$gear)
> ```
> ### anova analysis ```{r}################################################################below is anova analysis for assumption of equal variances
> # Compute the analysis of varianceres.aov <- aov(qsec ~ gear_c, data = mtcars)# Summary of the analysisaov1 <- summary(res.aov)
> #perform Tukey HSD test (look the difference between each group)aov1_par <- TukeyHSD(res.aov, conf.level=.95)#draw confidence interval plot, see this plot in the following plot tag#plot(TukeyHSD(res.aov, conf.level=.95), las =2)
> ################################################################ANOVA test with no assumption of equal variances
> aov2 <- oneway.test(qsec ~ gear_c, data = mtcars)aov2_par <- pairwise.t.test(mtcars$qsec, mtcars$gear_c,                p.adjust.method = "holm", pool.sd = FALSE)
> # Compute Kruskal-Wallis testaov3 <- kruskal.test(qsec ~ gear_c, data = mtcars)
> #student ttestg34 <- subset(mtcars, gear_c != "5")t1 <- t.test(qsec ~ gear_c, data = g34)
> g35 <- subset(mtcars, gear_c != "4")t2 <- t.test(qsec ~ gear_c, data = g35)
> g45 <- subset(mtcars, gear_c != "3")t3 <- t.test(qsec ~ gear_c, data = g45)
> aov_all <- paste0(aov1, aov1_par, aov2, aov2_par, aov3, t1, t2, t3, '\n')
> print(aov1)print(aov1_par)print(aov2)print(aov2_par)print(aov3)print(t1)print(t2)print(t3)
> ```
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