[R] Select dataframe row containing a digit

Luigi Marongiu m@rong|u@|u|g| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 30 13:40:50 CET 2022

I have a data frame where some lines containing strings including digits.
How do I select those rows and change their values?

In essence, I have a data frame with different values assigned to the
column "val". I am formatting everything to either "POS" and "NEG",
but values entered as number should get the value "NUM".
How do I change such values?

Best regards,

df = data.frame(id = runif(10, 1, 100),
                val = c("", "POs", "Pos", "P", "Y",
                        "13.6", "Neg", "N", "0.5", "58.4"),
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$val[df$val == ""] = NA
df$val[df$val == "POs"] = "POS"
df$val[df$val == "Pos"] = "POS"
df$val[df$val == "P"] = "POS"
df$val[df$val == "Y"] = "POS"
df$val[df$val == "Neg"] = "NEG"
df$val[df$val == "N"] = "NEG"

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