[R] Error on r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Helmut Schütz he|mut@@chuetz @end|ng |rom beb@c@@t
Sat May 7 14:06:53 CEST 2022

Dear all,

I got an error: 
Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), 
versionCheck = vI[[j]]) :
   there is no package called 'nloptr'
The chain of dependecies are:
replicateBE > lmerTest > lme4 > nloptr

In v1.1.3 there where only changes in the man pages documenting data sets.
The previous v1.1.0 had no problems with the (then current) R4.1.3

Is this a transient problem on CRAN? Is there anything I can do about?


Ing. Helmut Schütz
BEBAC – Consultancy Services for
Bioequivalence and Bioavailability Studies
Neubaugasse 36/11
1070 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 2311746
M +43 699 10792458
E helmut.schuetz using bebac.at <mailto:helmut.schuetz using bebac.at>
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