[R] comparing and changing(swaping) the value of columns from two diffrent data farmes

anteneh asmare h@n@tezer@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jun 12 16:07:37 CEST 2022

I have the following two data frames
Data frame 1
"SNPID"	"OA"	"EA"	
"snp001"	"C"	"A"	
"snp002"	"G"	"A"	
"snp003"	"C"	"A"	
"snp004"	"G"	"A"	
"snp005"	"C"	"T"	

Data frame 2
SNPID	OA	EA	id00001	id00002	id00003	id00004	id00005
snp001	   A	C	 1.01	                   2	                  0.97	
          1.97	                  1.99
snp002	  A	G	 1.02	                  2	                   1	
         2	                      2
snp003	  C	A	  1	                 1.03	                    2	
          0	                       1
snp004	 A	G	   1.02	                   1.99	                     2	
             1.02	                    1.98
snp005	C	T	     1	                      0	                     1.01	
                    1	                        1

I want to  if  OA s and EAs in data frame 2 is the same as OAs and EAs
 data frame 1 in such case I want to keep all information in data
fram2 as it is . However if   OA s and EAs in data frame 2 is
different from OAs and EAs  data frame 1, I want to change OA s and
EAs in data frame 2 to  OAs and EAs  data frame 1 and   I want to
redefine the values of the dosages (ids) of the variant (the dosage d
for the i-th individual and the j-th variant would become d_ij
Dosage [j,]=2-dosage[j,]
My desire data frame looks like
Dataframe new
SNPID"	"OA"	   "EA"	       id00001	id00002	id00003	id00004	id00005
"snp001"	"C"	"A"	2-1.01	          2- 2	  2-    0.97	       2-1.97	
"snp002"	"G"	"A"	2- 1.02	             2- 2	            2-1	
  2-2	                  2- 2
"snp003"	"C"	"A"	  1	               1.03	                    2	
            0	                       1
"snp004"	"G"	"A"	2-1.02	                 2-1.99	
2-2	               2-1.02	                 2-1.98
"snp005"	"C"	"T"	     1	                      0	
1.01	                       1	                        1
Dose any one can help me the r code for the above.
Kind regards,

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