[R] A humble request regarding QAMG method in R

Muhammad Zubair Chishti mzch|@ht| @end|ng |rom eco@q@u@edu@pk
Sat Jun 11 12:54:08 CEST 2022

Hi, Dear Respected Professors! I hope that you are doing well. Now all
files are in .txt files. Now kindly help me with the following:

I have the R-codes for the "Quantile Augmented Mean Group" method. The
relevant codes and data are attached herewith.
Note: The link to the reference paper is:
My Issue:
When I run the given codes to estimate the results for my own data. I have
to face several errors. I humbly request the experts to help me to estimate
the results for my data.
Thank you so much for your precious time.


Muhammad Zubair Chishti
Ph.D. Student
School of Business,
Zhengzhou University, Henan, China.
My Google scholar link:
My ResearchGate link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Muhammad-Chishti

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