[R] High concurvity/ collinearity between time and temperature in GAM predicting deaths but low ACF. Does this matter?
Simon Wood
@|mon@wood @end|ng |rom b@th@edu
Fri Jun 10 20:50:20 CEST 2022
Apologies, I meant...
aheap <- heap!="0"
aheap + s(heap,bs="re",by=aheap)
- fixed effect for heap day or not, and then an extra random effect if it is a heap day
... bit difficult to give a generic answer to the usefulness question -
I guess you probably have to decide on that yourself.
On 09/06/2022 16:57, jade.shodan using googlemail.com wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> (Sorry, replies and answers are out of sync due to my problems posting
> to the list/ messages being held for moderation)
>> Did it actually fail, or simply generate warnings?
> The model was computed (you're right, not a model failure), but
> resulted in warnings (as per previous post) which, frankly, I didn't
> understand.
>> if I understand your model right there is one free parameter for each observation falling on the 15th
> That's right, one observation on each 15th day of the month.
> Thank you for the suggestion about the random effects! I had been
> wondering about how I could model this heaping with a smooth!
> Quick question:
> You proposed:
> aheap <- heap!="0"
> heap + s(heap,bs="re",by=heap) ## fixed mean effect of being a heap
> day + a r.e. for each heap day - no effect on non-heap days
> Is there a typo in the code above? I don't see the newly created
> variable aheap in the model?
> Should it read "by = aheap" as follows:
> heap + s(heap,bs="re",by=aheap) ?
> So a full model might then look like the one below?
> bam0 <- bam(deaths~te(year, month, week, weekday,
> bs=c("cr","cc","cc","cc"), k = c(4,5,5,5)) + heap +
> s(heap,bs="re",by=aheap)
> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(8, 3)) +
> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(8, 3)),
> data = dat, family = nb, method =
> 'fREML', select = TRUE, discrete = TRUE,
> knots = list(month = c(0.5, 12.5),
> week = c(0.5, 52.5), weekday = c(0, 6.5)))
> One, hopefully final (!) question:
> Is it actually useful at all to keep these observations on the 15th
> day of each month (which are huge errors), or am I better off removing
> them from the data set (or replacing them with e.g. median values)?
> For temperature-mortality modelling it is the day-to-day variation in
> deaths and temperature that is of interest. So is modelling heaping
> actually useful at all, given that this variable changes on a monthly
> basis? (I think you are alluding to this, but I just want to make
> sure).
> If I take them out altogether, would I be best off removing all data
> for these dates, so that the time series jumps from day 14 to day 16?
> Or would this create problems with e.g. the distributed lag model?
> Sorry for all these questions! Have been struggling with this for
> months (posted on Cross Validated about the heaping issue too), and
> feel I am finally getting somewhere with your help!
> Jade
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2022 at 15:24, Simon Wood <simon.wood using bath.edu> wrote:
>> On 09/06/2022 12:30, jade.shodan using googlemail.com wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> Thanks so much for this!! (Apologies if this is a double posting. I
>>> seem to have a problem getting messages through to the list).
>>> I have two follow up questions, if you don't mind.
>>> 1. Does including an autoregressive term not adjust away part of the
>>> effect of the response in a distributed lag model (where the outcome
>>> accumulates over time)?
>> - the hope is that it approximately deals with short timescale stuff
>> without interfering with the longer timescales to the same extent as a
>> high rank smooth would.
>>> 2. I've tried to fit a model using bam (just a first attempt without
>>> AR term), but including the factor variable heap creates errors:
>>> bam0 <- bam(deaths~te(year, month, week, weekday,
>>> bs=c("cr","cc","cc","cc"), k = c(4,5,5,5)) + heap +
>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(8, 3)) +
>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(8, 3)),
>>> data = dat, family = nb, method =
>>> 'fREML', select = TRUE, discrete = TRUE,
>>> knots = list(month = c(0.5, 12.5),
>>> week = c(0.5, 52.5), weekday = c(0, 6.5)))
>>> This model results in errors:
>>> Warning in estimate.theta(theta, family, y, mu, scale = scale1, wt = G$w, :
>>> step failure in theta estimation
>>> Warning in sqrt(family$dev.resids(object$y, object$fitted.values,
>>> object$prior.weights)) :
>>> NaNs produced
>> Did it actually fail, or simply generate warnings?
>> 'bam' handles factors, but if I understand your model right there is one
>> free parameter for each observation falling on the 15th, so that you
>> will fit data for those days exactly (and might just as well have
>> dropped them, for all the information they contribute to the rest of the
>> model). If you want a structure like this, I'd be inclined to make the
>> heap variable random, something like...
>> aheap <- heap!="0"
>> heap + s(heap,bs="re",by=heap) ## fixed mean effect of being a heap day
>> + a r.e. for each heap day - no effect on non-heap days
>> best,
>> Simon
>>> Including heap as as.numeric(heap) runs the model without error
>>> messages or warnings, but model diagnostics look terrible, and it also
>>> doesn't make sense (to me) to make heap a numeric. The factor variable
>>> heap (with 169 levels) codes the fact that all deaths for which no
>>> date was known, were registered on the 15th day of each month. I've
>>> coded all non-heaping days as 0. All heaping days were coded as a
>>> value between 1-168. The time series spans 14 years, so a heaping day
>>> in each month results in 14*12 levels = 168, plus one level for
>>> non-heaping days.
>>> So my second question is: Does bam allow factor variables? And if not,
>>> how should I model this heaping on the 15th day of the month instead?
>>> With thanks,
>>> Jade
>>> On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 12:05, Simon Wood <simon.wood using bath.edu> wrote:
>>>> I would not worry too much about high concurvity between variables like
>>>> temperature and time. This just reflects the fact that temperature has a
>>>> strong temporal pattern.
>>>> I would also not be too worried about the low p-values on the k check.
>>>> The check only looks for pattern in the residuals when they are ordered
>>>> with respect to the variables of a smooth. When you have time series
>>>> data and some smooths involve time then it's hard not to pick up some
>>>> degree of residual auto-correlation, which you often would not want to
>>>> model with a higher rank smoother.
>>>> The NAs for the distributed lag terms just reflect the fact that there
>>>> is no obvious way to order the residuals w.r.t. the covariates for such
>>>> terms, so the simple check for residual pattern is not really possible.
>>>> One simple approach is to fit using bam(...,discrete=TRUE) which will
>>>> let you specify an AR1 parameter to mop up some of the residual
>>>> auto-correlation without resorting to a high rank smooth that then does
>>>> all the work of the covariates as well. The AR1 parameter can be set by
>>>> looking at the ACF of the residuals of the model without this. You need
>>>> to look at the ACF of suitably standardized residuals to check how well
>>>> this has worked.
>>>> best,
>>>> Simon
>>>> On 05/06/2022 20:01, jade.shodan--- via R-help wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> A few days ago I asked a question about concurvity in a GAM (the
>>>>> anologue of collinearity in a GLM) implemented in mgcv. I think my
>>>>> question was a bit unfocussed, so I am retrying again, but with
>>>>> additional information included about the autocorrelation function. I
>>>>> have also posted about this on Cross Validated. Given all the model
>>>>> output, it might make for easier
>>>>> reading:https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/577790/high-concurvity-collinearity-between-time-and-temperature-in-gam-predicting-dea
>>>>> As mentioned previously, I have problems with concurvity in my thesis
>>>>> research, and don't have access to a statistician who works with time
>>>>> series, GAMs or R. I'd be very grateful for any (partial) answer,
>>>>> however short. I'll gladly return the favour where I can! For really
>>>>> helpful input I'd be more than happy to offer co-authorship on
>>>>> publication. Deadlines are very close, and I'm heading towards having
>>>>> no results at all if I can't solve this concurvity issue :(
>>>>> I'm using GAMs to try to understand the relationship between deaths
>>>>> and heat-related variables (e.g. temperature and humidity), using
>>>>> daily time series over a 14-year period from a tropical, low-income
>>>>> country. My aim is to understand the relationship between these
>>>>> variables and deaths, rather than pure prediction performance.
>>>>> The GAMs include distributed lag models (set up as 7-column matrices,
>>>>> see code at bottom of post), since deaths may occur over several days
>>>>> following exposure.
>>>>> Simple GAMs with just time, lagged temperature and lagged
>>>>> precipitation (a potential confounder) show very high concurvity
>>>>> between lagged temperature and time, regardless of the many different
>>>>> ways I have tried to decompose time. The autocorrelation functions
>>>>> (ACF) however, shows values close to zero, only just about breaching
>>>>> the 'significance line' in a few instances. It does show patterning
>>>>> though, although the regularity is difficult to define.
>>>>> My questions are:
>>>>> 1) Should I be worried about the high concurvity, or can I ignore it
>>>>> given the mostly non-significant ACF? I've read dozens of
>>>>> heat-mortality modelling studies and none report on concurvity between
>>>>> weather variables and time (though one 2012 paper discussed
>>>>> autocorrelation).
>>>>> 2) If I cannot ignore it, what should I do to resolve it? Would
>>>>> including an autoregressive term be appropriate, and if so, where can
>>>>> I find a coded example of how to do this? I've also come across
>>>>> sequential regression][1]. Would this be more or less appropriate? If
>>>>> appropriate, a pointer to an example would be really appreciated!
>>>>> Some example GAMs are specified as follows:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> conc38b <- gam(deaths~te(year, month, week, weekday,
>>>>> bs=c("cr","cc","cc","cc")) + heap +
>>>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10, 3)) +
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10, 3)),
>>>>> data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE,
>>>>> knots = list(month = c(0.5, 12.5), week = c(0.5,
>>>>> 52.5), weekday = c(0, 6.5)))
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Concurvity for the above model between (temp_max, lag) and (year,
>>>>> month, week, weekday) is 0.91:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> $worst
>>>>> para te(year,month,week,weekday)
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) te(precip_daily_total,lag)
>>>>> para 1.000000e+00 1.125625e-29
>>>>> 0.3150073 0.6666348
>>>>> te(year,month,week,weekday) 1.400648e-29 1.000000e+00
>>>>> 0.9060552 0.6652313
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 3.152795e-01 8.998113e-01
>>>>> 1.0000000 0.5781015
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 6.666348e-01 6.652313e-01
>>>>> 0.5805159 1.0000000
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Output from ```gam.check()```:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> Method: REML Optimizer: outer newton
>>>>> full convergence after 16 iterations.
>>>>> Gradient range [-0.01467332,0.003096643]
>>>>> (score 8915.994 & scale 1).
>>>>> Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [5.048053e-05,26.50175].
>>>>> Model rank = 544 / 544
>>>>> Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
>>>>> indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.
>>>>> k' edf k-index p-value
>>>>> te(year,month,week,weekday) 319.0000 26.6531 0.96 0.06 .
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 29.0000 3.3681 NA NA
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 27.0000 0.0051 NA NA
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Some output from ```summary(conc38b)```:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> Approximate significance of smooth terms:
>>>>> edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value
>>>>> te(year,month,week,weekday) 26.653127 319 166.803 < 2e-16 ***
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 3.368129 27 11.130 0.00145 **
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 0.005104 27 0.002 0.69636
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>>>>> R-sq.(adj) = 0.839 Deviance explained = 53.3%
>>>>> -REML = 8916 Scale est. = 1 n = 5107
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Below are the ACF plots (note limit y-axis = 0.1 for clarity of
>>>>> pattern). They show peaks at 5 and 15, and then there seems to be a
>>>>> recurring pattern at multiples of approx. 30 (suggesting month is not
>>>>> modelled adequately?). Not sure what would cause the spikes at 5 and
>>>>> 15. There is heaping of deaths on the 15th day of each month, to which
>>>>> deaths with unknown date were allocated. This heaping was modelled
>>>>> with categorical variable/ factor ```heap``` with 169 levels (0 for
>>>>> all non-heaping days and 1-168 (i.e. 14 * 12 for each subsequent
>>>>> heaping day over the 14-year period):
>>>>> [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/FzKyM.png
>>>>> [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/fE3aL.png
>>>>> I get an identical looking ACF when I decompose time into (year,
>>>>> month, monthday) as in model conc39 below, although concurvity between
>>>>> (temp_max, lag) and the time term has now dropped somewhat to 0.83:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> conc39 <- gam(deaths~te(year, month, monthday, bs=c("cr","cc","cr")) + heap +
>>>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10, 4)) +
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10, 4)),
>>>>> data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE,
>>>>> knots = list(month = c(0.5, 12.5)))
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> Method: REML Optimizer: outer newton
>>>>> full convergence after 14 iterations.
>>>>> Gradient range [-0.001578187,6.155096e-05]
>>>>> (score 8915.763 & scale 1).
>>>>> Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [1.894391e-05,26.99215].
>>>>> Model rank = 323 / 323
>>>>> Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
>>>>> indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.
>>>>> k' edf k-index p-value
>>>>> te(year,month,monthday) 79.0000 25.0437 0.93 <2e-16 ***
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 39.0000 4.0875 NA NA
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 36.0000 0.0107 NA NA
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Some output from ```summary(conc39)```:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> Approximate significance of smooth terms:
>>>>> edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value
>>>>> te(year,month,monthday) 38.75573 99 187.231 < 2e-16 ***
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 4.06437 37 25.927 1.66e-06 ***
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 0.01173 36 0.008 0.557
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>>>>> R-sq.(adj) = 0.839 Deviance explained = 53.8%
>>>>> -REML = 8915 Scale est. = 1 n = 5107
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> $worst
>>>>> para te(year,month,monthday)
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) te(precip_daily_total,lag)
>>>>> para 1.000000e+00 3.261007e-31
>>>>> 0.3313549 0.6666532
>>>>> te(year,month,monthday) 3.060763e-31 1.000000e+00
>>>>> 0.8266086 0.5670777
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 3.331014e-01 8.225942e-01
>>>>> 1.0000000 0.5840875
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 6.666532e-01 5.670777e-01
>>>>> 0.5939380 1.0000000
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Modelling time as ```te(year, doy)``` with a cyclic spline for doy and
>>>>> various choices for k or as ```s(time)``` with various k does not
>>>>> reduce concurvity either.
>>>>> The default approach in time series studies of heat-mortality is to
>>>>> model time with fixed df, generally between 7-10 df per year of data.
>>>>> I am, however, apprehensive about this approach because a) mortality
>>>>> profiles vary with locality due to sociodemographic and environmental
>>>>> characteristics and b) the choice of df is based on higher income
>>>>> countries (where nearly all these studies have been done) with
>>>>> different mortality profiles and so may not be appropriate for
>>>>> tropical, low-income countries.
>>>>> Although the approach of fixing (high) df does remove more temporal
>>>>> patterns from the ACF (see model and output below), concurvity between
>>>>> time and lagged temperature has now risen to 0.99! Moreover,
>>>>> temperature (which has been a consistent, highly significant predictor
>>>>> in every model of the tens (hundreds?) I have run, has now turned
>>>>> non-significant. I am guessing this is because time is now a very
>>>>> wiggly function that not only models/ removes seasonal variation, but
>>>>> also some of the day-to-day variation that is needed for the
>>>>> temperature smooth :
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> conc20a <- gam(deaths~s(time, k=112, fx=TRUE) + heap +
>>>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10,3)) +
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10,3)),
>>>>> data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE)
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Output from ```gam.check(conc20a, rep = 1000)```:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> Method: REML Optimizer: outer newton
>>>>> full convergence after 9 iterations.
>>>>> Gradient range [-0.0008983099,9.546022e-05]
>>>>> (score 8750.13 & scale 1).
>>>>> Hessian positive definite, eigenvalue range [0.0001420112,15.40832].
>>>>> Model rank = 336 / 336
>>>>> Basis dimension (k) checking results. Low p-value (k-index<1) may
>>>>> indicate that k is too low, especially if edf is close to k'.
>>>>> k' edf k-index p-value
>>>>> s(time) 111.0000 111.0000 0.98 0.56
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 29.0000 0.6548 NA NA
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 27.0000 0.0046 NA NA
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Output from ```concurvity(conc20a, full=FALSE)$worst```:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> para s(time) te(temp_max,lag)
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag)
>>>>> para 1.000000e+00 2.462064e-19 0.3165236
>>>>> 0.6666348
>>>>> s(time) 2.462398e-19 1.000000e+00 0.9930674
>>>>> 0.6879284
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 3.170844e-01 9.356384e-01 1.0000000
>>>>> 0.5788711
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 6.666348e-01 6.879284e-01 0.5788381
>>>>> 1.0000000
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Some output from ```summary(conc20a)```:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> Approximate significance of smooth terms:
>>>>> edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value
>>>>> s(time) 1.110e+02 111 419.375 <2e-16 ***
>>>>> te(temp_max,lag) 6.548e-01 27 0.895 0.249
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total,lag) 4.598e-03 27 0.002 0.868
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
>>>>> R-sq.(adj) = 0.843 Deviance explained = 56.1%
>>>>> -REML = 8750.1 Scale est. = 1 n = 5107
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ACF functions:
>>>>> [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/7nbXS.png
>>>>> [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pNnZU.png
>>>>> Data can be found on my [GitHub][6] site in the file
>>>>> [data_cross_validated_post2.rds][7]. A csv version is also available.
>>>>> This is my code:
>>>>> ```r
>>>>> library(readr)
>>>>> library(mgcv)
>>>>> df <- read_rds("data_crossvalidated_post2.rds")
>>>>> # Create matrices for lagged weather variables (6 day lags) based on
>>>>> example by Simon Wood
>>>>> # in his 2017 book ("Generalized additive models: an introduction with
>>>>> R", p. 349) and
>>>>> # gamair package documentation
>>>>> (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gamair/gamair.pdf, p. 54)
>>>>> lagard <- function(x,n.lag=7) {
>>>>> n <- length(x); X <- matrix(NA,n,n.lag)
>>>>> for (i in 1:n.lag) X[i:n,i] <- x[i:n-i+1]
>>>>> X
>>>>> }
>>>>> dat <- list(lag=matrix(0:6,nrow(df),7,byrow=TRUE),
>>>>> deaths=df$deaths_total,doy=df$doy, year = df$year, month = df$month,
>>>>> weekday = df$weekday, week = df$week, monthday = df$monthday, time =
>>>>> df$time, heap=df$heap, heap_bin = df$heap_bin, precip_hourly_dailysum
>>>>> = df$precip_hourly_dailysum)
>>>>> dat$temp_max <- lagard(df$temp_max)
>>>>> dat$temp_min <- lagard(df$temp_min)
>>>>> dat$temp_mean <- lagard(df$temp_mean)
>>>>> dat$wbgt_max <- lagard(df$wbgt_max)
>>>>> dat$wbgt_mean <- lagard(df$wbgt_mean)
>>>>> dat$wbgt_min <- lagard(df$wbgt_min)
>>>>> dat$temp_wb_nasa_max <- lagard(df$temp_wb_nasa_max)
>>>>> dat$sh_mean <- lagard(df$sh_mean)
>>>>> dat$solar_mean <- lagard(df$solar_mean)
>>>>> dat$wind2m_mean <- lagard(df$wind2m_mean)
>>>>> dat$sh_max <- lagard(df$sh_max)
>>>>> dat$solar_max <- lagard(df$solar_max)
>>>>> dat$wind2m_max <- lagard(df$wind2m_max)
>>>>> dat$temp_wb_nasa_mean <- lagard(df$temp_wb_nasa_mean)
>>>>> dat$precip_hourly_dailysum <- lagard(df$precip_hourly_dailysum)
>>>>> dat$precip_hourly <- lagard(df$precip_hourly)
>>>>> dat$precip_daily_total <- lagard( df$precip_daily_total)
>>>>> dat$temp <- lagard(df$temp)
>>>>> dat$sh <- lagard(df$sh)
>>>>> dat$rh <- lagard(df$rh)
>>>>> dat$solar <- lagard(df$solar)
>>>>> dat$wind2m <- lagard(df$wind2m)
>>>>> conc38b <- gam(deaths~te(year, month, week, weekday,
>>>>> bs=c("cr","cc","cc","cc")) + heap +
>>>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10, 3)) +
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10, 3)),
>>>>> data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE,
>>>>> knots = list(month = c(0.5, 12.5), week = c(0.5,
>>>>> 52.5), weekday = c(0, 6.5)))
>>>>> conc39 <- gam(deaths~te(year, month, monthday, bs=c("cr","cc","cr")) + heap +
>>>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10, 4)) +
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10, 4)),
>>>>> data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE,
>>>>> knots = list(month = c(0.5, 12.5)))
>>>>> conc20a <- gam(deaths~s(time, k=112, fx=TRUE) + heap +
>>>>> te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10,3)) +
>>>>> te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10,3)),
>>>>> data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE)
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Thank you if you've read this far!! :-))
>>>>> [1]: https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?output=instlink&q=info:PKdjq7ZwozEJ:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&scillfp=17865929886710916120&oi=lle
>>>>> [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/FzKyM.png
>>>>> [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/fE3aL.png
>>>>> [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/7nbXS.png
>>>>> [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pNnZU.png
>>>>> [6]: https://github.com/JadeShodan/heat-mortality
>>>>> [7]: https://github.com/JadeShodan/heat-mortality/blob/main/data_cross_validated_post2.rds
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>>>> --
>>>> Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh,
>>>> https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~swood34/
>> --
>> Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh,
>> https://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~swood34/
Simon Wood, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh,
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