[R] mgcv: concurvity/ auto-correlation in GAM predicting deaths from weather time series with distributed lag
j@de@shod@@ m@iii@g oii googiem@ii@com
j@de@shod@@ m@iii@g oii googiem@ii@com
Wed Jun 1 10:12:25 CEST 2022
Hello all,
First posting to this list, hope you can bear with me - not a
statistician here... (my field is public health).
Have tried posting on Cross Validated (stack exchange) but it seems
that there are not many people there working with GAMs. Have been
doing quite a bit of reading/ googling, but am being halted by my lack
of knowledge of matrix algebra (not a mathematician here either) and
don't know anyone who works with GAMs, so this list really is my last
hope in my struggles.
My question is: what should I be more worried about in a time series
GAM with distributed lag? Highly significant k-index for time terms or
high concurvity between time and explanatory variables? Or are both
two sides of the same coin? And what should/ can I do about either?
For description of the problem, please see below.
I am running various GAM models (using mgcv) to estimate daily number
of deaths from daily time series of several weather variables such as
temperature, humidity and precipitation among others. The primary aim
is to get more insight into the (complex) relationship between these
variables (rather than pure prediction performance). The models have
distributed lag terms because deaths may occur over several days
following exposure. Modelling lag is based on the example in Simon
Wood's 2017 book, p. 349 (and the gamair package documentation
(https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gamair/gamair.pdf, p. 54)).
Code is listed at the bottom of this post. Data (as well as R script,
and model output files) are available on Github:
Model m1 below is relatively simple with just maximum temperature,
total daily precipitation and lag, and default k for (year) and
seasonality (doy = day of year). (Heap is a categorical variable
coding for the fact that all deaths for which no specific date was
known (data is from a low income country with problematic death
registration) were assigned to the 15th day of the month in which the
deaths were thought to have occurred. This categorical variable has
169 levels (0 for all non-heaping days, 1 for the first heaping day, 2
for the second … 168 for the final heaping day over the 14 year
When I run this model:
m1 <- gam(deaths~te(year, doy, bs = c("cr", "cc")) + heap +
te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10,4))+
te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10,4)),
data = dat, family = nb, method =
'REML', select = TRUE, knots = knots)
I get a highly significant k-index for (year, doy) - not sure why I am
getting NAs either:
k' edf
k-index p-value
te(year,doy) 19.00000 13.17462 0.93 <2e-16 ***
te(temp_max,lag) 39.00000 4.23584 NA NA
te(precip_daily_total,lag) 36.00000 0.00929 NA NA
Concurvity between (year, doy) and (temp_max, lag) is very high too (0.83):
te(year,doy) te(temp_max,lag) te(precip_daily_total,lag)
para 1.000000e+00 2.437000e-31
0.3324461 0.6666532
te(year,doy) 2.149940e-31 1.000000e+00
0.8285219 0.5601749
te(temp_max,lag) 3.329829e-01 8.268335e-01
1.0000000 0.5861324
te(precip_daily_total,lag) 6.666532e-01 5.601749e-01
0.5975987 1.0000000
To reduce significance of p for the k-index, increasing k helps
somewhat, but only up to a point:
m2 <- gam(deaths~te(year, doy, bs = c("cr", "cc"), k=c(7, 20)) + heap
+ te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10,4))+ te(precip_daily_total, lag,
k=c(10,4)), data = dat, family = nb, method = 'REML', select = TRUE,
knots = knots)
k' edf
k-index p-value
te(year,doy) 132.0000 24.9619 0.94 0.01 **
te(temp_max,lag) 39.0000 3.8914 NA NA
te(precip_daily_total,lag) 36.0000 0.0128 NA NA
However, with increasing k for (year, doy) concurvity for (temp_max,
lag) and (precipitation, lag) with (year, doy) increases even more
(which also happens in models with predictors other than temp_max):
te(year,doy) te(temp_max,lag) te(precip_daily_total,lag)
para 1.000000e+00 3.260062e-32
0.3235908 0.6666532
te(year,doy) 4.530791e-32 1.000000e+00
0.9206842 0.7261335
te(temp_max,lag) 3.298028e-01 9.157306e-01
1.0000000 0.5831089
te(precip_daily_total,lag) 6.666532e-01 7.261335e-01
0.5805672 1.0000000
Is this happening because of the lag term? Should I be worried about
this? Is there anything I can do about this? I saw lecture slides by
Simon Wood where he advises that the functions sp.vcov and gam.vcomp
can help shine light on the problem, but I don't know how to interpret
the output from these functions.
In models with more explanatory weather variables I also have high
concurvity - over 0.80 - between e.g. lagged humidity and lagged
temperature. Both variables are of interest (in fact the purpose of
this study) and should not be dropped, but I guess that's another
story. I posted about it on Cross Validated:
and any thoughts about this are welcome too.
Posting output from summary() and gam.check() would make this post too
long, so instead I've put text files on Github:
output model 1:
ouput model 2:
I'd be very grateful for any help anyone might be able to offer!
############################### Model code ################################
df <- read_rds("data_crossvalidated_post2.rds")
# data available on github: https://github.com/JadeShodan/heat-mortality
# Create matrices for lagged weather variables (6 day lags)
lagard <- function(x,n.lag=7) {
n <- length(x); X <- matrix(NA,n,n.lag)
for (i in 1:n.lag) X[i:n,i] <- x[i:n-i+1]
dat <- list(lag=matrix(0:6,nrow(df),7,byrow=TRUE),
deaths=df$deaths_total, doy=df$doy, year = df$year, month = df$month,
weekday = df$weekday, week = df$week, monthday = df$monthday, time =
df$time, heap=df$heap, heap_bin = df$heap_bin)
dat$temp_max <- lagard(df$temp_max)
dat$precip_daily_total <- lagard( df$precip_daily_total)
knots <- list(doy=c(0.5, 366.5)) # set knots for cyclic spline for doy
m1 <- gam(deaths~te(year, doy, bs = c("cr", "cc")) + heap +
te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10,4))+
te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10,4)),
data = dat, family = nb, method =
'REML', select = TRUE, knots =knots)
# now increase k for (year, doy)
m2 <- gam(deaths~te(year, doy, bs = c("cr", "cc"), k=c(7, 20)) + heap +
te(temp_max, lag, k=c(10,4))+
te(precip_daily_total, lag, k=c(10,4)),
data = dat, family = nb, method =
'REML', select = TRUE, knots = knots)
gam.check(m1, rep=1000)
gam.check(m2, rep=1000)
concurvity(m1, full=FALSE)$worst
concurvity(m2, full=FALSE)$worst
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