[R] [R-pkgs] Fwd: Ternary 2.0: Holdridge life zones and ternary plots

Martin R. Smith m@rt|n@@m|th @end|ng |rom durh@m@@c@uk
Tue Jan 11 12:12:13 CET 2022

Dear R users,

It is now possible to create and annotate Holdridge life zone plots using
functions modelled on the standard graphics package using the the package
"Ternary", whose v2.0 release is now available from CRAN:
https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Ternary .
The vignette at https://ms609.github.io/Ternary/articles/Holdridge.html gives
an example and pointers to detailed documentation.

Ternary 2.0 also includes a complete 'shiny' graphical user interface to
allow interactive construction of ternary plots without detailed knowledge
of R.


Martin Smith


*Dr. Martin R. Smith*
Associate Professor in Palaeontology
Durham University
Department of Earth Sciences
Mountjoy Site, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE United Kingdom

*M*: +44 (0)774 353 7510
*E*: martin.smith using durham.ac.uk


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