[R] Reg: To change the x axis label in ts.plot function
Upananda Pani
up@n@nd@@p@n| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Dec 24 19:58:23 CET 2022
Dear All,
I have the data set with daily dates (5-days trading in a week) and price
data. I want to change the x axis labels to the plot. I am using ts.plot
function to plot my data. My data spans from 2020-01-27 to 2021-07-30. I
want to change it to D-M-Y first. Then I want to show all the dates with a
one week gap in my x-axis label.
The following code I am using:
pricet <- ts(price, start = c(2020, 27), frequency = 260)
Please advise me how to achieve the desired result. I have attached my data
and the plot which I am currently getting with ts.plot.
With sincere regards,
Upananda Pani
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