[R] datatable using dt not able to print background colors

Matthew Pirritano MP|rr|t@no @end|ng |rom |@c@re@org
Sat Dec 17 01:20:47 CET 2022

Hey, all!

I've got a report that uses datatable from DT to create an rmarkdown html that looks great as an html but when I try to print it, to a printer, or to a pdf the colors I've assigned to cells are not displaying. I'm using chrome and I've clicked on the Background graphics button there, but that doesn't help print the colors. I have tried to run the datatable section of the code using results = 'asis' and eliminating results = 'asis'. Neither seems to help with the

My css style at the top of the rmarkdown is

<style type="text/css">
.main-container {
  max-width: 1500px;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  table.display td { white-space: wrap; }

  -webkit-print-color-adjust:exact !important;
  print-color-adjust:exact !important;

I added the webkit bit based on what I've found online. Maybe I have something set up incorrectly there? Any ideas or thoughts on how to get this to print the background colors?



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