[R] How to add error bars to lattice xyplot
Luigi Marongiu
m@rong|u@|u|g| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Oct 11 14:11:06 CEST 2021
I am trying to plot data using lattice. The basic plot works:
Substance = rep(c("A", "B", "C", "D"),4)
Concentration = rep(1:4,4),
Value = c(62.80666667, 116.26333333, 92.26000000, 9.87333333, 14.82333333,
92.37333333, 98.95666667, 1.48333333, 0.64666667, 50.66000000,
25.75333333, 0.69000000, 0.21666667, 7.40666667, 6.92000000,
df = data.frame(Substance, Concentration, Value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Value = c(15.2974126, 16.3196089, 57.4294280, 9.1943370, 20.5567321,
38.3626672, 0.3780653, 0.4738495, 37.9124874, 16.2473916, 0.7218726,
0.2498666, 8.4537585, 10.8058456, 0.1096966)
dfsd = data.frame(Substance, Concentration, Value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
COLS = c("gold", "forestgreen", "darkslategray3", "purple")
xyplot(Value ~ Concentration,
group = Substance, data = df,
pch = 16, cex = 1.2, type = "b",
xlab=expression(bold(paste("Concentration (", mu, "M)"))),
ylab=expression(bold("Infection rate")),
scales = list(x = list(log = 10, at=c(unique(df$Concentration))
key = list(space="top", columns=4, col = "black",
points=list(pch=c(16, 16, 16, 16),
text=list(c("6-PN", "8-PN", "IX", "XN")
but how do I add the error bars?
I tried with
xyplot(Value ~ Concentration,
group = Substance, data = df,
pch = 16, cex = 1.2, type = "b",
xlab=expression(bold(paste("Concentration (", mu, "M)"))),
ylab=expression(bold("Infection rate")),
scales = list(x = list(log = 10, at=c(unique(df$Concentration))
key = list(space="top", columns=4, col = "black",
points=list(pch=c(16, 16, 16, 16),
text=list(c("6-PN", "8-PN", "IX", "XN")
panel = function (x,y,) {
panel.segments(x0 = df$Concentration, x1 = df$Concentration,
y0 = df$Value - dfsd$Value,
y1 = df$Value + dfsd$Value,
col = COLS)
but the bars are plotted outside the graph.
What is the correct syntax? can I use raw data instead of making the
mean and std dev separately?
Best regards,
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