[R] How to select single table with ODB package

Luigi Marongiu m@rong|u@|u|g| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 5 16:25:27 CET 2021

I am connecting R to a libreoffice-generated database (.odb) using the
ODB package.
I would like to link a dataframe to a specific table, but I cannot
manage to extract a given table:
> db =  odb.open(".../LOdatabase.odb", jarFile = NULL)
> odb.tables(db)
field.name field.type data.type     name                  comment
1          ID    INTEGER   numeric       ID Unique identifier (auto)
2    Study_ID    INTEGER   numeric Study_ID            link to STUDY
> sqlQuery = "FROM TABLE demographic SELECT ALL"
> odb.read(db, sqlQuery, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE,
+ encode = TRUE, autoLogical = TRUE)
Error: Error while executing SQL query  : "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
  JDBC ERROR: Unexpected token: FROM in statement [FROM]
  Statement: FROM TABLE demographic SELECT ALL"
> sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM demographic"
> odb.read(db, sqlQuery, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE,
+ encode = TRUE, autoLogical = TRUE)
Error: Error while executing SQL query  : "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
  JDBC ERROR: Table not found in statement [SELECT * FROM demographic]
  Statement: SELECT * FROM demographic"
> sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM db$demographic"
> odb.read(db, sqlQuery, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE,
+ encode = TRUE, autoLogical = TRUE)
Error: Error while executing SQL query  : "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
  JDBC ERROR: Table not found in statement [SELECT * FROM db$demographic]
  Statement: SELECT * FROM db$demographic"
What is the correct syntax?
Thank you

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