[R] [R-pkgs] diveMove 1.6.0 released

Sebastian P. Luque @p|uque @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 14 05:43:14 CEST 2021

Dear R community,

A new version of diveMove (1.6.0) is now on CRAN
(https://cran.r-project.org/package=diveMove).  diveMove offers tools
and utilities for performing essential tasks for the analysis of
time-depth recoder (TDR) data loggers.

The latest version completes the framework for modelling mixtures of
exponential distributions, a common approach for identifying transitions
between events such as dives occurring in bouts.  A new class is now
available to represent such data, with methods and functions available

* Fitting models via non-linear least squares and maximum likelihood
* Determining bout-ending criteria.
* Plotting predicted and observed data, including cumulative frequency
* Generating samples from mixtures of distributions.

The new class and associated methods make a number of functions in
previous versions obsolete.  Please see help(diveMove-defunct) and
help(diveMove-deprecated) for details.


Sebastian P. Luque

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