[R] How to average minutes per hour per month in the form of '# hours #minutes'
Avi Gross
@v|gro@@ @end|ng |rom ver|zon@net
Fri Mar 26 22:28:21 CET 2021
There are rather straightforward ways to manipulate your data step by step to make harder things possible, or you can use creative ways harder for people to understand.
So adding columns to your data that take existing times/dates and record them with names like Q1Y2021 can give you abilities but as noted they will NOT line up with weeks as in 1 to 52.
You can calculate the sum of hours per week, if you had the ability to group by week, and place that in a column that repeats that number for each day recorded for that week. You can then take the same data and group by quarter and take some kind of average of that column but it probably will be WRONG if you did the above as it will take the average of whatever rows it encounters and that may include partial weeks or other anomalies like when you only recorded three days for that week.
So consider other plans. What if you kept track of the number of weeks per month as in 28 days is 4 weeks and 31 days is 4.43 or so weeks. You could simply calculate the sum of hours for that month and divide by the number of weeks by that measure in that month. Would that number satisfy them?
And, again, rather than trying to SORT Month names, consider adding a column with a numerical version. Sure, you can play with factors so the months are recorded in the order you want and some things like ggplot will then honor that order.
If and when you become more expert, much of what you want might be done other ways without making columns for real. But it may make sense to start simple.
Here is an example of a simple change to Months Abbreviations to be made into a factor in order:
df$mo <- factor(df$mo,levels=month.abb)
Similar ideas involve how you convert hours and minutes to just minutes for averaging by adding calculated columns and you can convert the results back to whatever format you need later.
Just FYI, many database programs might let you do much of this internally. Python using the tools you are using is arguably much more flexible.
-----Original Message-----
From: R-help <r-help-bounces using r-project.org> On Behalf Of Dr Eberhard W Lisse
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 3:22 AM
To: r-help using r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] How to average minutes per hour per month in the form of '# hours #minutes'
thank you. However, if I knew how to do this, I would probably not have asked :-)-O
I think I have been reasonably comprehensive in describing my issue, but let me do it now with the real life problem:
My malpractice insurance gives me a discount if I consult up to 22 hours per week in a 3 months period.
I add every patient, date and minutes whenever I see her into a MySQL database. I want to file the report of my hours worked with them for the first 3 month period (November to January and not properly quarterly unfortunately :-)-0), and while I can generate this with LyX/LateX and knitR producing a (super)tabular table containing the full list, and tables for time per week and time per month I really can't figure out is how to average the hours worked per week for each month (even if weeks don't align with months properly :-)-O)
While I am at it how would I get this to sort properly (year, month) if I used the proper names of the months, ie '%Y %B' or '%B %Y'?
select(datum, dauer) %>%
group_by(month = format(datum, '%Y %m'),
week = format(datum, '%V')) %>%
summarise_if(is.numeric, sum) %>%
mutate(hm=sprintf("%d Hour%s %d Minutes", dauer %/% 60,
ifelse((dauer %/% 60) == 1, " ", "s"), dauer %% 60)) %>%
Any help, or just pointers to where I can read this up, are highly appreciated.
greetings, el
On 2021-03-25 22:37 , Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> This is a very unclear question. Weeks don't line up with months..
> so you need to clarify how you would do this or at least give an > explicit example of input data and result data.
> On March 25, 2021 11:34:15 AM PDT, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <nospam using lisse.NA> wrote:
>> Thanks, that is helpful.
>> But, how do I group it to produce hours worked per week per month?
>> el
>> On 2021-03-25 19:03 , Greg Snow wrote:
>>> Here is one approach:
>>> tmp <- data.frame(min=seq(0,150, by=15)) >>> >>> tmp %>%
>>> mutate(hm=sprintf("%2d Hour%s %2d Minutes",
>>> min %/% 60, ifelse((min %/% 60) == 1, " ", "s"),
>>> min %% 60))
>>> You could replace `sprintf` with `str_glue` (and update the syntax >>> as well) if you realy need tidyverse, but you would also loose some >>> formatting capability.
>>> I don't know of tidyverse versions of `%/%` or `%%`. If you need >>> the numeric values instead of a string then just remove the >>> `sprintf` and use mutate directly with `min %/% 60` and `min %% 60`.
>>> This of course assumes all of your data is in minutes (by the time >>> you pipe to this code) and that all hours have 60 minutes (I don't >>> know of any leap hours.
>>> On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 8:31 AM Dr Eberhard W Lisse <nospam using lisse.na> >> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have minutes worked by day (with some more information) >>>> >>>> which when using >>>>
>>>> library(tidyverse)
>>>> library(lubridate)
>>>> run through
>>>> select(datum, dauer) %>%
>>>> arrange(desc(datum))
>>>> look somewhat like
>>>> # A tibble: 142 x 2
>>>> datum dauer
>>>> <date> <int>
>>>> 1 2021-03-18 30
>>>> 2 2021-03-17 30
>>>> 3 2021-03-16 30
>>>> 4 2021-03-16 30
>>>> 5 2021-03-16 30
>>>> 6 2021-03-16 30
>>>> 7 2021-03-11 30
>>>> 8 2021-03-11 30
>>>> 9 2021-03-11 30
>>>> 10 2021-03-11 30
>>>> # … with 132 more rows
>>>> I can extract minutes per hour
>>>> select(datum, dauer) %>%
>>>> group_by(week = format(datum, '%Y %V'))%>%
>>>> summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)
>>>> and minutes per month
>>>> select(datum, dauer) %>%
>>>> group_by(month = format(datum, '%Y %m'))%>%
>>>> summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)
>>>> I need to show the time worked per week per month in the format of >>>>
>>>> '# hours # minutes'
>>>> and would like to also be able to show the average time per week >>>> per month.
>>>> How can I do that (preferably with tidyverse :-)-O)?
>>>> greetings, el
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