[R] for loop implementation in below problem

Jim Lemon drj|m|emon @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Mar 21 22:14:43 CET 2021

Hi Goyani,
In its present form, the function stalls because you haven't defined
pmat before trying to pass it to the function. gmat and wmat suffered
the same fate. Even if I define these matrices as I think you have,
"solve" fails because at least one is singular. First, put the
function in order as below. I think this is what you sent made

selection.index<- function(ID, phen_mat, gen_mat, weight_mat, GAY){
 bmat<- solve(phen_mat) %*% gen_mat %*% weight_mat
 GA<- 2.063 * t(bmat) %*% g %*% w / (t(bmat) %*% p %*% bmat)^0.5
 if(missing(GAY)) PRE<-(GA/GA) * 100
 else PRE<-(GA/GAY) * 100

Next, what sort of matrices do you want to pass? Then an answer may emerge.


On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 6:03 AM Goyani Zankrut <zankrut20 using gmail.com> wrote:
> I created custom function according to my requirement which is given below:
> *selection.index<- function(ID, phen_mat, gen_mat, weight_mat, GAY){  ID =
> toString(ID)  p<- as.matrix(phen_mat)  g<- as.matrix(gen_mat)  w<-
> as.matrix(weight_mat)  bmat<- solve(phen_mat) %*% gen_mat %*% weight_mat
> GA<- 2.063 * t(bmat) %*% g %*% w / (t(bmat) %*% p %*% bmat)^0.5  PRE<-
> if(missing(GAY)){    (GA/GA) * 100  } else {    (GA/GAY) * 100  }  result<-
> list("ID" = ID, "b" = matrix(round(bmat,4), nrow = 1), "GA" = round(GA,4),
> "PRE" = round(PRE,4))  return(data.frame(result))}*
> *sc<- list()*
> *sc[[1]]<- selection.index(ID = 12, pmat[1:2,1:2], gmat[1:2,1:2],
> wmat[1:2,1])*
> *sc[[2]]<- selection.index(ID = 13, pmat[c(1,3),c(1,3)],
> gmat[c(1,3),c(1,3)], wmat[c(1,3),1])*
> for more detail about question follow stack overflow link:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66734928/how-to-solve-this-through-loop
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