[R] Need help to fix the max date filter problem in the date input

Biplab Nayak b|p|@bn1 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jun 9 14:06:55 CEST 2021

Hi Greg,

Please find the objective of the code(bold) and code mentioned below. I was
trying to do to achieve the below objective but somehow it's not working.

1.Order assessment based on the latest due date so select input
automatically shows the order of assessment name.

2.Filter based on the one name or multiple names in the  select input


#library(stringr)    # attached with tidyverse




ttclasses <- read_csv("~/tmp/ttclasses.csv")

#Filter data

ttclasses <-ttclasses %>%

   filter(str_detect(assessment, "Assignment"))

 ttclasses <-ttclasses %>%  filter(str_detect(name, "Name"))

##Remove NA values.

ttclasses <-ttclasses %>% drop_na("score")

*## Sort  assessment based on max due_date*

 ttclasses  <- ttclasses [order( - due_date, assessment ),]

#Convert to factor

ttclasses$assessment <- factor(ttclasses$assessment)

# please see the formats in help("strptime")

ttclasses$due_date <-  as.Date(ttclasses$due_date, format = "%m/%d/%y")

ttclasses$name <- factor(ttclasses$name)

Thanks & Regards
Biplab Nayak

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 12:15 AM Greg Minshall <minshall using umich.edu> wrote:

> Biplab,
> i'm not sure how to help you here, but this list pretty much runs on
> plain ASCII (or, these days, utf-8) e-mail.  for the most part, without
> attachments.  so, simply-formatted text, including code, with some
> mechanism in the code to initialize any data structures (data frames,
> matrices, etc.) needed for the example.
> some of this is described in the posting guide
> ----
> https://www.r-project.org/posting-guide.html
> ----
> formatting your e-mail in this way will likely increase your odds of a
> helpful reply.
> cheers, Greg

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