[R] Read fst files

Jan van der Laan rhe|p @end|ng |rom eoo@@dd@@n|
Wed Jun 9 19:55:56 CEST 2021

read_fst is from the package fst. The fileformat fst uses is a binary 
format designed to be fast readable. It is a column  oriented format and 
compressed. So, to be able to work fst needs access to the file itself 
and wont accept a file connection as functions like read.table an 
variants accept.

Also, because it is a binary compressed format using a compression 
method that is fast to read, compressing also to zip seems to defeat the 
purpose of fst.


On 09-06-2021 15:28, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 09/06/2021 9:12 a.m., Jeff Reichman wrote:
>> Duncan
>> Yea that will work. It appears to be related to setting my working 
>> dir, for what ever reason neither seem to work
>> (1) knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir 
>> ="~/My_Reference_Library/Regression") # from R Notebook or
>> (2) 
>> setwd("C:/Users/reichmaj/Documents/My_Reference_Library/Regression") # 
>> from R chunk
>> So it appears I can either (as you suggested) use two steps or combine 
>> but I need to enter the full path. Why other file types don't seem to 
>> need the full path ....?????
> You need to read the documentation for read_fst() to find what it needs. 
>   If it doesn't explain this, then you should report the issue to its 
> author.
>> myObject <- 
>> read_fst(unz("C:/Users/reichmaj/Documents/My_Reference_Library/Regression/Datasest.zip", 
>> filename = "myFile.fst"))
>> Thank you. I guess just one of those R things
> No, it's a read_fst() thing.
> Duncan Murdoch
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