[R] error in Rstudio

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Feb 22 16:59:41 CET 2021

On 22/02/2021 10:01 a.m., Κυριάκος Γιαλλουράκης wrote:
> Greetings,
> I tried to open R-studio(windows 10 pro) but instead of running the app, my
> screen opens a window saying 'loadlibrary failed with error 1114: some
> preparation routine of a DLL failed'
> I deleted both R and R-studio, but when I downloaded them again(both in
> latest edition), the same thing appears.
> Please help me with my problem,
> Best Regards,

What happens if you try to open Rgui or command line R?

Duncan Murdoch

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