[R] forecast accuracy

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom e||ect|vede|en@e@org
Wed Feb 17 14:58:48 CET 2021

Hello, Faheem:

	  1.  You might get a better response if you "PLEASE do read the 
posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and provide 
commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code", as it says at 
the bottom of each email in this list.  That would make it easier for 
people to understand the problem you are trying to solve.

	  2.  Are you familiar with the "fda" package?  I assume you are, but 
if not, I suggest you look at it.

	  3.  If you are familiar with the "fda" package, have you reviewed the 
Wikipedia article on "Functional data analysis" and Ramsay, Hooker and 
Graves (2009) Functional data analysis with R and Matlab (Springer)? 
The latter provides more extensive documentation for the "fda" package.

	  4.  Have you written directly to the maintainer of the "fda" package? 
  You can get his email from help("fda").

	  Hope this helps.
	  Spencer Graves

On 2021-02-17 06:02, Faheem Jan via R-help wrote:
> I am new in the functional time series,  my question may be stupid as  I am new, I am  functional forecasting one year a head, Know I want to check the forecast accuracy by calculating the mean absolute percentage error, but I am unable to due this R, please help me or suggest me any link which help me  to solve my problem, Regard
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