[R] .Rprofile with devtools::install_github() loops

Bill Dunlap w||||@mwdun|@p @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Feb 10 17:48:18 CET 2021

Installing a package involves running several R subprocesses, each of
which is running that .Rprofile.  You may be able to stop the infinite
recursion by setting an environment variable that subprocesses can
check.  E.g. replace
  if (Sys.getenv("INSTALLING_FROM_GITHUB", unset="no") == "no") {

[This is totally untested.]


On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 12:45 AM Chris Evans <chrishold using psyctc.org> wrote:
> I am sure this must be documented somewhere and that I'm missing something obvious but some searching isn't finding an answer and I'm sure there is one.
> I have created a very simple package on GitHub and want my machines (other than the one that built it) to load it when they start R using devtools::install_github()
> The install_github() call works fine from the console but when I put it in my .Rprofile it just loops on restarting R.  I _think_ it may be that devtools::install_github()
> is restarting the session as I found one thing on the web suggesting that may be the case.  However, I think if it were the case it would be documented and I'd find
> far more about that.
> OK.  So my .Rprofile is:
> print("This is a message from /home/chris/.Renviron: hello Chris!")
> .First <- function(){
>     devtools::install_github("xxxx/yyyy")
> }
> print("OK, off you go!")
> I have obscured my package to protect my blushes but I get the same behaviour with r-lib/devtools and, as I say, my little package loads OK from the console.
> You can see I tried wrapping it in a .First() function but that didn't change anything.
> True both on a Linux machine and a Windows machine.
> OK.  Anyone save me from more dents in the wall and frontal lobe damage?!
> TIA,
> Chris
> --
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> Chris Evans <chris using psyctc.org> Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield <chris.evans using sheffield.ac.uk>
> I do some consultation work for the University of Roehampton <chris.evans using roehampton.ac.uk> and other places
> but <chris using psyctc.org> remains my main Email address.  I have a work web site at:
>    https://www.psyctc.org/psyctc/
> and a site I manage for CORE and CORE system trust at:
>    http://www.coresystemtrust.org.uk/
> I have "semigrated" to France, see:
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> Beware: French time, generally an hour ahead of UK.
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