[R] Customizing plot

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Feb 5 17:01:44 CET 2021

On 05/02/2021 10:44 a.m., Mahmood Naderan-Tahan wrote:
> Hi,
> 1- How can I assign different  colors to different observations in the PCA chart? Assume, I have 10  observations and I want to use black color for the first 5 and read for  the next 5 observations.
> Currently, I use
>   res.pca = PCA(mydata[,1:37], scale.unit=TRUE, graph=T)
>   plot(res.pca,axes=c(1,2))
> 2- How can I change the plot area size and font sizes? With these commands
>   dev.new(width=20, height=4)
>   plot(res.pca,axes=c(1,2))
>   The final plot is not what I expected. Please see the picture at https://imgur.com/UINTnv7

No need to post twice.  You probably didn't get an answer the first time 
because it was just an hour ago, and you didn't include "mydata" (or a 
suitable subset) in your posting.  For the best chance at getting a 
helpful answer, post code that others can run.

Duncan Murdoch

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