[R] Creating a log-transformed histogram of multiclass data

Tom Woolman twoo|m@n @end|ng |rom ont@rgettek@com
Wed Aug 4 00:56:08 CEST 2021

# Resending this message since the original email was held in queue by 
the listserv software because of a "suspicious" subject line, and/or 
because of attached .png histogram chart attachments. I'm guessing that 
the listserv software doesn't like multiple image file attachments.

Hi everyone. I'm working on a research model now that is calculating 
anomaly scores (RMSE values) for three distinct groups within a large 
dataset. The anomaly scores are a continuous data type and are quite 
small, ranging from approximately 1e-04 to 1-e07 across a population of 
approximately 1 million observations.

I have all of the summary and descriptive statistics for each of the 
anomaly score distributions across each group label in the dataset, and 
I am able to create some useful histograms showing how each of the three 
groups is uniquely distributed across the range of scores. However, 
because of the large variance within the frequency of score values and 
the high density peaks within much of the anomaly scores, I need to use 
a log transformation within the histogram to show both the log frequency 
count of each binned observation range (y-axis) and a log transformation 
of the binned score values (x-axis) to be able to appropriately 
illustrate the distributions within the data and make it more readily 

Fortunately, ggplot2 is really useful for creating some really 
attractive dual-axis log transformed histograms.

However, I cannot figure out a way to create the log transformed 
histograms to show each of my three groups by color within the same 
histogram. I would want it to look like this, BUT use a log 
transformation for each axis. This plot below shows the 3 groups in one 
histogram but uses the default normal values.

For log transformed axis values, the best I can do so far is produce 
three separate histograms, one for each group.

Below is sample R code to illustrate my problem with a 
randomly-generated example dataset and the ggplot2 approaches that I 
have taken so far:

# Sample R code below:


# I created some simple random sample data to produce an example 
# This produces an example dataframe called d, which contains a class 
label IV of either A, B or C for each observation. The target variable 
is the anomaly_score continuous value for each observation.
# There are 300 rows of dummy data in this dataframe.

DV_score_generator = round(runif(300,0.001,0.999), 3)
d <- data.frame( label = sample( LETTERS[1:3], 300, replace=TRUE, 
prob=c(0.65, 0.30, 0.05) ), anomaly_score = DV_score_generator)

# First, I use ggplot to create the normal distribution histogram that 
shows all 3 groups on the same plot, by color.
# Please note that with this small set of randomized sample data it 
doesn't appear to be necessary to use an x and y-axis log transformation 
to show the distribution patterns, but it does becomes an issue with my 
vastly larger and more complex score values in the DV of the actual 

p <- d %>%
ggplot( aes(x=anomaly_score, fill=label)) +
geom_histogram( color="#e9ecef", alpha=0.6, position = 'identity') +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#69b3a2", "blue", "#404080")) +
theme_ipsum() +


# Produces a normal multiclass histogram.

# Now produce a series of x and y-axis log-transformed histograms, 
producing one histogram for each distinct label class in the dataset:

# Group A, log transformed

ggplot(group_a, aes(x = anomaly_score)) +
      geom_histogram(aes(y = ..count..), binwidth = 0.05,
      colour = "darkgoldenrod1", fill = "darkgoldenrod2") +
      scale_x_continuous(name = "Log-scale Anomaly Score", trans="log2") 
      scale_y_continuous(trans="log2", name="Log-transformed Frequency 
Counts") +
      ggtitle("Transformed Anomaly Scores - Group A Only")

# Group A transformed histogram is produced here.

# Group B, log transformed

  ggplot(group_b, aes(x = anomaly_score)) +
      geom_histogram(aes(y = ..count..), binwidth = 0.05,
      colour = "green", fill = "darkgreen") +
      scale_x_continuous(name = "Log-scale Anomaly Score", trans="log2") 
      scale_y_continuous(trans="log2", name="Log-transformed Frequency 
Counts") +
      ggtitle("Transformed Anomaly Scores - Group B Only")

# Group B transformed histogram is produced here.

# Group C, log transformed

  ggplot(group_c, aes(x = anomaly_score)) +
      geom_histogram(aes(y = ..count..), binwidth = 0.05,
      colour = "red", fill = "darkred") +
      scale_x_continuous(name = "Log-scale Anomaly Score", trans="log2") 
      scale_y_continuous(trans="log2", name="Log-transformed Frequency 
Counts") +
      ggtitle("Transformed Anomaly Scores - Group C Only")

# Group C transformed histogram is produced here.

# End.

Thanks in advance, everyone!

- Tom

Thomas A. Woolman, PhD Candidate (Indiana State University), MBA, MS, MS
On Target Technologies, Inc.
Virginia, USA

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