[R] Help with for loops and if statements

Dan Bosio djbo@|o14 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Sep 23 23:00:11 CEST 2020

Hi there

I am in an intro to R course and the professor has not been much help. One of the questions on the latest homework has me stumped. The question is below, along with my answers so far.

8. [15 points] Given the following code,
# x <- rnorm(10)
# Do the following.
# (1) create a count vector named "count" of four elements and set each to 0 using the rep function.
# (2) using a for loop to process each value in the vector x, count how many times each of the following values occur in the vector x using an if statement.
# a. "value is between -1 and 1 inclusive"
# b. "value is between -2 and 2 inclusive, but not between -1 and 1",
# c. "value is between -3 and 3 inclusive, but not between -2 and -2", or
# d. "value is greater than 3 or less than -3".
# (3) print each of the four counts in the count vector using a while loop.
# For example, if the vector x contains the following ten values,
# 1.1478911  1.6183994 -2.3790632 -0.2566993  0.8923735
# -0.7523441 -0.7559083  0.9836396  1.0994189  2.5519972
# Then, the output should be as below.
# count[1] is 5
# count[2] is 3
# count[3] is 2
# count[4] is 0

x <- rnorm(10)

My answers:

(1) count <- c(rep(0,4))

(2) for (count in x) {
            if (x > -1 & x < 1) {

I know there is something wrong with my code for part one but we haven't gone over anything like this in class and I have struggled to find a video for something like this. Please point me in the right direction and let me know what mistakes I have made, thanks so much!
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