[R] Help with the Error Message in R "Error in 1:nchid : result would be too long a vector"

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Tue Sep 22 23:53:18 CEST 2020


Please keep this on the list so that others can give their contribution.

If you have reshaped your data can you post the code you ran to reshape 
it? Right now we only have the original attachment, in wide format, not 
the long format data.

Rui Barradas

Às 21:55 de 22/09/20, Rahul Chakraborty escreveu:
> Hi,
> Thank you so much for your reply.
> Yes, thank you for pointing that out, I apologise for that error in
> the variable name. However, my data is in long format.
> See, my first column is IND which identifies my individuals,
> second column is QES which identifies the question number each
> individual faces, 3rd column is a stratification code that can be
> ignored. Columns 6-13 are alternative specific variables and rest are
> individual specific. So 1st 3 rows indicate 1st question faced by 1st
> individual containing 3 alternatives, and so on. So, I have already
> arranged the data in long format.
> With that in mind if I use shape="long" it still gives me error.
> Best  regards,
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 11:00 PM Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas using sapo.pt> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I apologize if the rest of quotes prior to David's email are missing,
>> for some reason today my mail client is not including them.
>> As for the question, there are two other problems:
>> 1) Alt_name is misspelled, it should be ALT_name;
>> 2) the data is in wide, not long, format.
>> A 3rd, problem is that in ?dfidx it says
>> alt.var
>> the name of the variable that contains the alternative index (for a long
>> data.frame only) or the name under which the alternative index will be
>> stored (the default name is alt)
>> So if shape = "wide", alt.var is not needed.
>> But I am not a user of package mlogit, I'm just guessing.
>> The following seems to fix it (it doesn't throw errors).
>> mldata1 <- dfidx(mydata, shape = "wide",
>>                    #alt.var = "ALT_name",
>>                    choice = "Choice_binary",
>>                    id.var = "IND")
>> Hope this helps,
>> Rui Barradas
>> Às 16:15 de 22/09/20, David Winsemius escreveu:
>>> You were told two things about your code:
>>> 1) mlogit.data is deprecated by the package authors, so use dfidx.
>>> 2) dfidx does not allow duplicate ids in the first two columns.
>>> Which one of those are you asserting is not accurate?

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