[R] aggregate semi-hourly data not 00-24 but 9-9

Stefano Sofia @te|@no@@o||@ @end|ng |rom reg|one@m@rche@|t
Mon Sep 21 16:30:04 CEST 2020

Dear R-list members,
I have semi-hourly snowfall data.
I should sum the semi-hourly increments (only the positive ones, but this is not described in my example) day by day, not from 00 to 24 but from 9 to 9.

I am able to use the diff function, create a list of days and use the function aggregate, but it works only from 0 to 24. Any suggestion for an efficient way to do it?
Here my code:
day_1 <- as.POSIXct("2020-02-19-00-00", format="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", tz="Etc/GMT-1")
day_2 <- as.POSIXct("2020-02-24-12-00", format="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", tz="Etc/GMT-1")
df1 <- data.frame(data_POSIX=seq(day_1, day_2, by="30 min"))
df1$hs <- rnorm(nrows(df1), 40, 10)
df1$diff[2:nrow(df1)] <- diff(df1$hs)
df1$day <- format(df$data_POSIX,"%y-%m-%d")
df2 <- aggregate(diff ~ day, df, sum)

Thank you for your help

--oOO--( )--OOo----------------
Stefano Sofia PhD
Civil Protection - Marche Region
Meteo Section
Snow Section
Via del Colle Ameno 5
60126 Torrette di Ancona, Ancona
Uff: 071 806 7743
E-mail: stefano.sofia using regione.marche.it


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